Ok,Here is a crazy question??
What all have your birds killed and did they eat it?
My turkeys killed a rat last night, found it this morning. Back last year my chickens killed some feral newborn kittens, they ate those. I was just wondering what else they will kill and eat?
Ride the Glide.....Got Gait.....I Do.....
One of my free ranging roos caught and ate a toad...I chased him around and took it away from him first to make sure it wasn't a Bufo, but it wasn't so I let him have it. That was a proud day. I hate toads.
One of my free ranging roos caught and ate a toad...I chased him around and took it away from him first to make sure it wasn't a Bufo, but it wasn't so I let him have it. That was a proud day. I hate toads.
I hate the bufos. I have almost lost two o shamos to them. Thankfully I was watching when each of them got ahold of one. I had to give them benadryl. Their throats were swelling shut. They are new to us this far North of FL
Originally Posted by FlaRocky

Ok,Here is a crazy question??
What all have your birds killed and did they eat it?
My turkeys killed a rat last night, found it this morning. Back last year my chickens killed some feral newborn kittens, they ate those. I was just wondering what else they will kill and eat?
Ride the Glide.....Got Gait.....I Do.....
originally posted by overoberyl

One of my free ranging roos caught and ate a toad...I chased him around and took it away from him first to make sure it wasn't a Bufo, but it wasn't so I let him have it. That was a proud day. I hate toads

i think i need ur rooster cause i dont like any kind of frog...
When I first moved into this house the place was completely surrounded with Bufos - BIG ones. I went on a Bufo killing campaign and now the numbers have dwindled, I rarely see them anymore. I was getting 10-12 per week for about 6 weeks at the time. It is unnerving to have toads that big around about, esp when I would walk into them when stepping out of my door at night (they would literally bounce off my shins as they were trying to get away from the door - GROSS). It's great not to have to deal with that anymore, and not having to stress about one of my dogs getting one is a big relief. I have also noticed the native species of amphibians rebounding since the Bufos have gone. It is the only species I will actually try to smush if I see one in the road when I'm driving. Well, I'm almost to that point with the Brown Basilisk also.
When I first moved into this house the place was completely surrounded with Bufos - BIG ones. I went on a Bufo killing campaign and now the numbers have dwindled, I rarely see them anymore. I was getting 10-12 per week for about 6 weeks at the time. It is unnerving to have toads that big around about, esp when I would walk into them when stepping out of my door at night (they would literally bounce off my shins as they were trying to get away from the door - GROSS).  It's great not to have to deal with that anymore, and not having to stress about one of my dogs getting one is a big relief. I have also noticed the native species of amphibians rebounding since the Bufos have gone. It is the only species I will actually try to smush if I see one in the road when I'm driving. Well, I'm almost to that point with the Brown Basilisk also.
THey aren't much bigger than the standard brown toad just yet but I am going to clean out around the azaleas this winter....that seems to be where they have found them.
Lots to be excited about!!! Attending my first ever poultry tent/ contest at the Broward County Fair November 16!!! Anyone showing there?! I would love to say "hello!".

I am also going into LOCKDOWN TONIGHT!!! Yay! My second hatch ever. : ). 15 of 31 made it through shipping. Crossing fingers that LOTS of PULLETS make it through the hatch!

My one and only little pullet i got from my first hatch 4 months ago, will be their Mommy if she is up to it. WE WILL SEE! Anybody have any ideas of signs i should look for that she is accepting or rejecting the idea?

Xoxo Annmarie
Bufo marinus is indeed a nasty invasive species - so clearing them out would indeed help the native populations of nearly everything. Just to let you know, Bufo is the genus name for all toads - you want to add the species name if you're talking about a specific one.

I'm thankful for one small favor - in that we don't have many marinus here - just our little Spadefoot toads - they're so cute - we raised some from tadpoles this summer.
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Lots to be excited about!!! Attending my first ever poultry tent/ contest at the Broward County Fair November 16!!! Anyone showing there?! I would love to say "hello!".

I am also going into LOCKDOWN TONIGHT!!! Yay! My second hatch ever. : ). 15 of 31 made it through shipping. Crossing fingers that LOTS of PULLETS make it through the hatch!

My one and only little pullet i got from my first hatch 4 months ago, will be their Mommy if she is up to it. WE WILL SEE! Anybody have any ideas of signs i should look for that she is accepting or rejecting the idea?

Xoxo Annmarie

Most likely your pullet at 4 months old will not want to foster mom the chicks. I hope you have a brooder set up in case. Watch her very closely with the chicks. She is young too and may not be to receptive and she probably hasn't started laying yet. If she is broody and wants to sit on the nest day and night then maybe.
Bufo marinus is indeed a nasty invasive species - so clearing them out would indeed help the native populations of nearly everything. Just to let you know, Bufo is the genus name for all toads - you want to add the species name if you're talking about a specific one.

I'm thankful for one small favor - in that we don't have many marinus here - just our little Spadefoot toads - they're so cute - we raised some from tadpoles this summer.
Didn't know that and didn't have a species name....just blasted brown toad that is poisonous to my chickens! ...but we knew we were talking about the same one. Is that the only kind around Florida that has those glands on its back and that is so deadly to them?
Thanks for responding. Yes, brooder is set up. Im actually putting her in it too. These chicks are being hatched specifically to keep her company, give her something to do. She is the only pullet, and I have two cockerals whose time is ticking. They are starting to mature and will put too many "demands" on her so i figured its time for them to separate until i have more pullets. I want to maintain a closed flock so nothing can come in this yard unless it is hatched here. So I am rolling the dice and taking some chances. She is a bantam cochin which I hear are naturally motherly, and her face, comb, and wattles are turning much brighter color. Hasnt laid yet, but I put some faux eggs in the coop thinking it may give her some ideas that something is coming. I am going to put the incubator inside the brooder so she can watch them hatch through the window, but cant touch them. Then i will give her some as they hatch if humidity allows. Crossing fingers that she at minimum tolerates them. A fellow BYC and chicken friend had success giving her very young silkie a couple chicks, so I am remaining hopeful, but definitely prepared for the worst. ( i think) its going to be a busy weekend. : ). Xoxo Annmarie

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