fluctuating temperature...will they hatch?


10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
This is our first try at hatching, and we've done a HORRIBLE job regulating the temperature in our incubator. It fluctuates from 80 to 104, and I'm afraid we've either frozen or cooked the chicks. Next time I may try to rig a thermostat to help us control the temp. They eggs will be 21 days incubated on Monday, but if they haven't hatched by then, how long should we wait? My second question is how and when to increase the humidity. It's been around 30% up until now, but I understand the chicks need higher than this to soften the shell for pipping.
I appreciate any advice!
Oh, and to clarify, the temperature fluctuation is not a regular occurance--only several times has it varied significantly over or under the 99.5, but when it varied it was for 2-3 hours at a time. Feeling awful here. Worst of all, I have to leave town on Sunday, so I'm leaving my husband and toddler to cross their fingers and take care of the chicks who hopefully arrive next Monday.

We wanted to try the incubator b/c I was unsettled about mail-ordered chicks. I thought it sounded like cold and bumpy ride, but it's probably more humane than my bad incubator skills. If nothing hatches next week, we'll try the mail order. Who's a reputable dealer?

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