Fly control


May 17, 2022
I decided to keep the babies next to the house for their safety. However, I have realized that flies will be a problem. Will it help to spray the poopy perchings with vinegar? Already trying the pennies in a bag. Should I just use fly tape? I want to keep my babies safe but I can't be a nuisance to the neighbors.
To really impact flies you have to wage war in multiple ways at the same time. When you do all three of the following, you can actually be almost free of flies. If you clean out the coop well, I'd spray it with Tempo SC Ultra ( ) after it's empty. Coat the inside and outside of the coop and let it dry. It's not toxic once it dries, just make sure not to get in food or water dishes. It knocks them down for a good 2 weeks. I use it in our barn and duck pens.

2. Another thing that works is Starbar Quickstrike Fly Abatement strips ( ) but crack the glass vial attached to it and apply it to the yellow side of the strip. We put them flat inside a disposible paint roller tray, so the dead flies are caught. Then remove the whole thing before you put birds back in the coop. It lasts longest if kept out of rain.

3. The last thing we do is put up Rescue Fly Traps as far AWAY from the barn as we can. If you hang them 2 ft above the ground or less, they catch lots more flies. Don't hang them near where neighbors might be sitting because they smell like a dead body LOL They aren't poison, just a bait.
Based on some of the posts here, some users may give this a shot. lol
I have to laugh because my kids hung one out in a Holly Tree when we lived in the suburbs, that was near the street. Their reasoning was that we walked our dogs in the front yard, so it would kill the flies there. I trustee for the HOA happened to walk by and called the police saying our yard was filled with dog poop. We picked up twice weekly so when they came by there wasn't any poop. I'm guess the wind was blowing away from the street at that time LOL It didn't occur to me till later what the cause off the smell was LMBO

I can say, you never want to get this liquid on yourself. I had one fall while I was putting it up and splash me. It took several showers, the last using straight bleach on me before the rinse, to get the smell off me LMBO

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