Fly Strike HELP ME


May 5, 2020
Kendallville Indiana, US
So our chicken got attacked by a raccoon yesterday morning and she has a puncture wound under her wing. Unfortunately now she has fly strike. My dad cleaned her twice earlier today with vinegar and he said lots came out. We now got povidine-iodine 10%
Do I dilute this or jsut squirt it in directly or how??
Please help!
Soak her in warm water with the povidone iodine. You can also use Dawn or Epsom salts water. Soak her again later, since maggots can hatch out over 24 hours. Pick every one off with tweezers if needed, and a magnifier can be used. Pictures would be helpful. Use Neosporin ointment or vaseline on the wounds which will help to smother them.
Soak her in warm water with the povidone iodine. You can also use Dawn or Epsom salts water. Soak her again later, since maggots can hatch out over 24 hours. Pick every one off with tweezers if needed, and a magnifier can be used. Pictures would be helpful. Use Neosporin ointment or vaseline on the wounds which will help to smother them.
Update: she has a huge hole through her. The maggots ate through her and I can see bone. How can I put her down 😭I can’t see her like this anymore
Update: she has a huge hole through her. The maggots ate through her and I can see bone. How can I put her down 😭I can’t see her like this anymore
Can you post a picture? Depending on how far the maggots got she still might have a chance to recover.
If you do feel like you need to put her down there are some good resources on this site.
Can you post a picture? Depending on how far the maggots got she still might have a chance to recover.
If you do feel like you need to put her down there are some good resources on this site.
There a gaping hole in her and you can see bone. The whole hole os bigger than her head. She won’t drink nor eat. She looks and smells awful I don’t know how she’s still alive. and maggots jsut keep coming out of her despite cleaning her.

I feel awful.
I usually cut the jugular vein with a very sharp knife to euthanize. Some use the broomstick method of cervical separation. There are some videos online. But if you could post pictures, we might help if she can be saved. So sorry.
There a gaping hole in her and you can see bone. The whole hole os bigger than her head. She won’t drink nor eat. She looks and smells awful I don’t know how she’s still alive. and maggots jsut keep coming out of her despite cleaning her.

I feel awful.
Fly strike happens really fast and progresses faster if you don't catch it in the first few hours. I'm sorry. Eggcessive had good advice on euthanasia. If you use a knife make sure to pin the wings down since there can be a lot of firing nerves and flapping. Might be easiest to wrap her in a towel. Broomstick is a cleaner method but it can also go wrong make sure to watch a few videos first.

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