Food advice!!!


In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
Naples Florida
So I have some food concerns! I currently have four 2 week old ducklings. I have been feeding them a duckling starter grower. Well I went to my TSC and they didn’t have any. They also didn’t have any non medicated chick starter. I asked on of the works what they feed their ducklings and they told me meatbird crumble, so I bought a bag! Anyone know anything about the meatbird crumble?
Yes I have four 2 weeks old Pekins. So I should add in nutritional yeast to this brand? Do you buy chance know how much I should add to a 50lb bag?
Something else I would add to their diet since you've got pekins and every other post on here is dealing with pekin issues. Get some B-complex from TSC and start them on that over treats like mealworm, tomatoes, watermelon.

Also, if you are giving something other than duck food be sure to give them chick grit on the side. NOT in their feed.
It's super important for their digestion. They have a gizzard, I'm sure you know from getting turkeys and such, but anyway, the grit goes into that and helps grind up the food.

Once they go outside and are digging around and drilling holes in the mud etc. they get plenty of grit but while they are babies they do need a supplement.

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