food and waterer inside or out

I have eight hens and a small coop. I try to be out by 8:30 in the morning to let them out. I keep food inside the coop, except for treats and water outside so it doesn't spill. In the summer I use the 1 gallon plastic waterers (on a brick or something to keep the dirt out) and in the winter I use a heated dog dish. I bought a galvanized tin waterer, but I don't like it, I think it makes the water look and smell funny. Welcome to BYC. I love it here. Kay
I keep my feed and water in the run. I get up every morning at 6:30, open the pop door, make sure everyone is accounted for, check feed/water, and then decide if I'm going to go ahead and stay up or get another hour or two of sleep. Today I did put the feed/water in the coop due to the girls not wanting to come out in the snow and cold.
I think inside is best just to keep it dry. I've no idea if the birds ever eat or drink at night but if they feel "peckish", it's there.

I've gone back and forth on that. Often both in and out. But I've switched to hanging the feeder just inside, as the rats eventually get to it if it is outside (and moving it inside every night is a pain). Scratch and treats go outside, but just what they can clean up during the day.
I keep the feed and water inside. Then in the morning, I change the water and carry it outside for them. They free range the yard. I like to start the day with fresh water. Then I change the water again just before I put them up for the night.

I do not mean to highjack here but I have one burning question. How do you keep the sparrows out of the lay mash? They fly right into the run and wave to me as they go in.
I am pretty sure I am being visited by every sparrow in the neighborhood.

I am glad the little birds are there, they act as an early warning system….but they eat so much.
Maybe that is the tradeoff.
I plan to let my birds range in a run and supplement the diet w/ BOSS, scratch and kitchen treats outside. I will have water available in all areas but all purchased feed will be indoors for the same reasons stated earlier. The outdoor buffet should be sufficient, but if it is not then they can retire to the indoor repast!!

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