Food elevated but will that keep the mice out???


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
So we hang our metal feeder under the coop and it's raised about 12" from the ground. Do I need to still be worried about mice eating it? Can't wait to buy Grandpa's Feeder.

Also, can someone recommend a feeder that can be on the ground that won't let them spill pellets everywhere. It's all over the run floor and now I know the mice are gonna get it. We are in Colorado full of snow and the girls won't walk to the feeder so I need to put something small in the "huddle box". Suggestions please!!!!

Pic is of the girls looking frigid.
A feeder made of PVC pipe might work well for you. Do a google image search for "PVC chicken feeder" and you'll see tons of examples. Also lots of threads on this forum. You might even be able to mount the upper pipe on the outside and cut a hole for the feeder pipe to be accessed from the inside of the box to avoid using up much indoor space.
As for keeping mice out, I'm not sure that's possible. Those little buggers can climb ANYTHING, and jump up on any feeder that chickens can reach. Good luck!!
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thanks i had a PVC feeder in our old coop and pellets were everywhere and it was a very good one too...these girls just like slinging food around
For the PVC feeder you can change the size of the openings in the trough so they don't sling their food all over the place. This video has a good example:
. Make a smaller diameter opening if they keep doing it.

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