Food problems - Can I have some help?

Aug 25, 2023
Priceville, AL
My Coop
My Coop
So I noticed my chicken feeder was getting pretty empty and wanted to refill it. I opened it up and then opened up our large trash can of chicken food.
The trashcan had a hardened layer of food on top, smelled rotten, and had a line of old food that was really gray around the edge.
I checked the feeder and saw a small bit of gray food at the top, which I immediately threw out and went to go get more food.
I feel so bad that I let the big food container get this bad. They are in perfect health, and didn't eat any of the moldy food. I cleaned out the small food container that they eat out of before putting new food in.
Problem was I only had grower food from when we first got the babies. It's definitely not moldy, I checked.
It's 18% protein and the chickens are around 27-28 weeks old. Is 18% enough for 3 bantam chickens? I am going to go get more regular food soon, will they be ok in the meanwhile?

Any answers would be appreciated
Thank you!
you should also look at the date the food was manufactured. If you bought when you first got them and your birds are now about 6 months old, it's probably lost some of the nutrients it's supposed to have (they decompose over time), but that's better than mouldy feed in any case. You could supplement with some tinned sardines, banana, tomato, cooked eggs etc. until you can get some new feed.

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