Food Safety Modernization Act


Overrun with Runners
12 Years
Jan 3, 2010
Southern New England
I know this isn't local, it's federal, but I don't know a better forum to post my question on.

So it looks like this has been passed and signed into law, back in 2/2011.

Anyone having to deal with it yet?
At the moment, it doesn't look like it will affect small backyard flocks that sell a few dozen eggs here and there BUT we all know how our government works...............

Ain't that the truth! Too bad it wasn't more than two men who disappeared on Rocky Top. Problem solved! Unfortunately, there are far too many pansies nowadays who will not stand up for what is right. Hitler would have loved the modern boot-licking generation in which we live.
At the moment, it doesn't look like it will affect small backyard flocks that sell a few dozen eggs here and there BUT we all know how our government works...............
Do you know at what stage or what size this effects a BYC person? How many eggs does a person have to sell before they appear on the government's radar?

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