In the Brooder
Oct 26, 2015
Hi. I have three 3 week old ducklings. They waste more food in there water, small container or large, than they eat. I thro it out ever time I give them clean water. which is often each day. Is there a way to correct this? thank you.
That's just how ducks eat (especially ducklings), by taking their food to water to soften it and make it easier for them to swallow. They can choke if they don't have water with their food. They are also partially filter-feeders, which is why they like to take dirt to their water as well. They filter out small bits of organic material from the dirt. They do the same with their pellets.

Ducks are experts at making water dirty, so you just have to get used to changing it often I'm afraid. ;) Ducks should definitely get fresh water several times a day since they can make it gross pretty quick.
Thank you, So ducks will be ducks. I found that if I drain off the top water and save the rest with water, each time, in a small container they eat all of it. Can you recommend a good "Duck Food"? Thank you.
I feed wet Flock Raiser crumbles to ducklings so it is about the consistency of oatmeal and I put their water right next to their feed. The ducks eat the wet feed and then rinse their bills in the water so food does get into the water. I use that water to make the next batch of feed and give them fresh water again. This way there is no waste of the food or water and the ducklings do not have to add water to their feed to swallow it.

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