~Fools Gold~ (A Daring Role Play) Chat Thread

Dunno, just vote

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(*sigh* well, worth a shot. Idk if I'll stay XD)

Name: Kyndra
Appearance: 15, a pitiful 5'3 1/2 tall, 112 pounds give or take. A literal mane of shoulder-length ginger hair, that is only tamed when she has hairspray. Due to this, it's almost always in a ponytail or bun. Light blonde eyebrows and blue-gray eyes that change shades constantly. Pale skin that is literally covered in freckles. A skinny stature and doesn't look like she'd be strong at all but she can lift quite heavy items due to working at the local horse barn, and volutenteers for the duty of stacking haybales, and can pack a vicious punch if she would need to.
A black Imgine Dragons Beliver Sweatshirt and gray leggings. Sneakers or boots or her go to shoes. And red-rimmed bifocal glasses because she has incredibly poor sight.
Personality: Chaotic. She cannot sit still unless something has really captured her attention or she's writing. She is loud and won't shut up. Ever. Has positively no filter, and will speak her mind no matter what.
Despite this, she's actually a very good listener. Brutally honest and not afraid to tell people what they need to do. If you ask, why lie? Speaking of lying, she can't. When it comes to her friends, she cannot lie to save her life. Parental figures are other story, however.
She's constantly the life of everything and anything with a fairly positive outlook on things, though she can be very philosophical at the oddest of times. She doesn't quite understand how she has so many friends in both real life and online, but she is grateful for them, and if anybody tries to trash-talk or hurt them, somebody is going to get hurt, there is no doubt about it. She is loyal to the end when it comes to her friends, and is a very trustworthy person, and she'd like to think of it as her best quality, for if you tell her a secret, she will take it to the grave.
Ballet, tap and hip-hop dancer, equestrian, and writer. Dabbles in photography quite often, not that she's good at it, but she enjoys it. And astrology, most will laugh it off but she doesn't. Adores animals, music, reading and every single one of her friends.
Packing list:
1. Kizmit and Nova, her cats.
2. Some sort of chocolate. Always.
3. Pocket knife.
4. Headphones and MP3 player.
5. 2 notebooks. Why two? No one knows. She just has 'em.
6. 8 assorted pens and pencils.
7. Water bottle.
8. A sapphire colored neckless.
Other: Runs on very little sleep. Not that she's an insomniac or anything like that, but her inability to sit still often causes her stay stay awake for countless hours of the night, reading, writing or literally anything that keeps her occupied. Will not stop until she has done something to her absolute best. Screwed it up? She'll keep trying until its perfect, or as close to perfect as she can possibly get it. She uses the word "like" to the extent that people will literally tell her to stop, but it's a subconscious thing in replacement for "um". And constantly uses literally at any given chance.
Wanted for thievery and multiple attempted murders.
Username: Cluckcluck1215
also you beat me by a literal pound XDXD

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