For all my lovely friends (*snorts*)

That's sad for you. :hugs I hope things improve for you someday, which I'm sure they will! I mean, if there's hope for someone like me, anyone can do it. :lol:
Hi Zin, long time no speak. And yes, we can be sad-saps together.

I feel in a lot better shape than I did when I was nine or ten. Being older might suck in some ways, but at least you get to enjoy life more.

Yay for sad-sap parties!

That's nice, then. ;3 I like the benefits of being older too (though I'm pretty sure I'm a tad younger than you for some reason...), although considering it's still the awkward stage that we're stuck in, it's a drag.
That's sad for you.
I hope things improve for you someday, which I'm sure they will! I mean, if there's hope for someone like me, anyone can do it.


nah its good, i just rush through the school day and if i hang out with anyone its usually an adult (muuuuch nicer) or with my friend Online (we play online games with each other)

moving is hard, i never moved STATES but i did move schools, in the middle of the year.. |-( but lucklily i was young

dont worry, things will look better for the both of us soon
You must be the only person on this entire forum who thinks that. :lol: But you're probably right, if I could post my age, a lot of you would practically faint. :rolleyes:
It was an absolute drag last year. Things are looking up slightly. ;)
Yeah, I hang out with adults too. Young kids get on my nerves mostly, and fellow teenagers round these parts do not know how to talk about things other than boys.
You must be the only person on this entire forum who thinks that.
But you're probably right, if I could post my age, a lot of you would practically faint.

It was an absolute drag last year. Things are looking up slightly.

im the only person who could post things will look better?

if i could post MY age you would freak, at least your in high school... right?...

good thing things are looking up
You must be the only person on this entire forum who thinks that.
But you're probably right, if I could post my age, a lot of you would practically faint.

It was an absolute drag last year. Things are looking up slightly.


Awesome. :3 Hopefully my next year will be better, this current one I'm in and the last one both sucked.
Although for some reason, whenever I look back on past years, all I can remember are the good things... :rolleyes:

Even the bad things actually start to look good, instead of seeing them as disasters they change into mistakes I learned from. It's very ODD.

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