For once, I’m not panicking over a hatch, but my little BCM jumped from my hands and fell 4 feet onto linoleum


Aug 25, 2023
Quick backstory; I wanted to try and hatch chicks but can’t raise them, I have a coworker who has a flock, he brings my fertile eggs, I hatch them in a diy setup, I live on them for two weeks, then they go back with his flock. It’s a win win. Except he had a predator attack that killed many of the hens and a few Roos, and about 8 had heart attacks on the spot. It was devastating since my first success baby Domino was a Roo who had a heart attack 💔

Anyway, I immediately took every fertile egg (in storage at 50 degrees, nose down and rotated twice daily) and put them in an incubator. 21 days later, I hatched my first ever Black Copper Maran. Strong as all get out. She pipped and sipped 80% within 45 minutes. I work an hour away and get off work at 9pm. She stopped making progress at 2pm.. (I have cameras) long story short, she never gave up and I flew home going far faster than I should in the highway , and found her have glued to her shell. 2 hours later of gentle excising and warm incubator naps, she was free! She just hit 230 hrs old. She cheeps nonstop because no one else has hatched. She has plenty of space under a brooder play and away from, as well as mirrors and stuffed chicks and a few uncolored craft feathers. Still cheeps SO loud until I go into the room and she runs to my hand, nuzzles it, and sleeps in my palm while my arm falls asleep. We were about to work on some toothbrush combing to loosen any excess sticky(which she bizarrely loves), and she jumped. From the clavicle to the linoleum 4 ft below I freaked out, picked her up, looked her over and put her under the brooder plate. She’s still eating and drinking but she IMMEDIATELY got quiet. I saw no swelling or limps or visible injuries but I’m OANIzcKzeD. She’s the only legacy egg to hatch (so far, it’s day 22). She is still immediately responsive but in an instant went from screaming peeps to “oh I’m in the brooder time to sleep RIGHT now.” Yes she’s a newborn/newly hatched, but I’ve not seen her just flop in spot yet. I’m worried I’ll wake up in 5 hours to find her passed away. She’s walking fine, wings look fine, no swelling in her head or her wise, but it was such an immediate shift in personality that I worry. Any insight you all at BCM can offer? Pics are of her arduous journey from egg to the loudest chick I’ve ever raised 💔 Please tell me she’s gonna be on or how I can more thoroughly examine her for injuries? He clutch mates are very active in shell and will be out soon but I’m still terrified. Any words of wisdom or assistance is welcome with open arms. She’s a Black copper Maran and Polish mix. Thank you in advanced 🥲
Hello, thanks for sharing detailed photos and a description. Unfortunately, if she has sustained internal injuries, even a vet won’t do her any good. Best case, which I feel is more likely, she is simply stunned and should perk back up. Monitor her to make sure she eats and drinks on time.

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