For Sale: Handspun Alpaca Yarn Skeins - White or Bay Black


12 Years
May 8, 2007
Hi All, my friend and I have been spinning my alpaca fleece to yarn and have some skeins ready for sale. These are handspun skeins, so some are more consistent than others and their prices reflect that.... the black seemed to turn out better than the white...

These skeins run in size from 2oz to about 3 oz. I have:

3.5 oz Skein White $20
3.2 oz Skein Bay Black $18.50
2.7 oz Skein Bay Black $15.50
2.6 oz Skein Bay Black $15.00
2.4 oz Skein Bay Black $14.00
(2) 2.4 oz Skeins White $14.00
3.1 oz Skein White $14.00 (this one is less b/c it's less consistent.... a bit nubbier)
2.6 oz Skein White $12.00 (this one is less b/c it's less consistent... a bit fluffier)
2.4 oz Skein Bay Black $11.00

All prices exclude shipping. I will offer my BYC friends 15% off!! the prices listed above. I accept PayPal for payment. This would be great for any knitters or crocheters out there. If you are interested want a picture of a specific skein or have questions about the colors, feel free to PM me.

Thanks for looking!
alpaca is much different than sheep's wool, as it has no lanolin and is softer. the majority of alpaca fiber can be worn directly against the skin, similar to cashmere.... though to be classified as cashmere the micron count must be less than 19 microns. and 2 ounces is actually a fairly decent sized skein of yarn, approximately 60-65 yards.
Oooohhh! I have to wait until Tuesday when I find out about my unemployment fuling- go before the judge for the hearing at 1:45!

If I get it, I'd love some!
well i am certainly sorry to hear that you are unemployed, i hope your judgement goes in your favor.

as far as yarns, we will soon have a lot more, we are just getting started on this spinning stuff. it's a friend and myself, she is MUCH better than i am.... my yarns are not good, yet. but i am still trying, and i know i will get there eventually!

thanks for looking you all!
I love yarns that are inconsistent- consistently inconsistent...? I buy yarns like that for these wonderful scarves I knit and give as gifts.

I've never worked with alpaca, but I bet it would be a joy!
that is exactly what we were thinking.... that the inconsistency makes it more unique. my friend is going to take some of our yarns and make a scarf we can photograph to show off the finished product. i know sweaters that have that look usually are quite well received.

once we get that done, i'll upload some photos.
The inconsistant yarns are referred to as "Novelty Yarns" around here. When they're knitted or crocheted, the "nubs" normally find a way to intergrate into the finished piece so that the garment is "textured", but not lumpy.
You may have more of a market for you inconsistant yarn than you think!

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