For the run... hardware cloth or chicken wire??


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2018
In the process of building a run to attach to the coop. I am almost out of hardware cloth so it got me thinking. I know hardware cloth is more durable against predators but if I plan on putting the chickens up in the coop at night could I get away with having chicken wire for the run. I live in the city so my main
predators would be raccoons skunks maybe garter snake? And hawks on occasion I obviously don’t want my chickens getting eaten so what do you guys use ?
poultry netting should be renamed to "chicken buffet wire", it's worse than useless, it's misleading. I'd say hardware cloth all the way if at all possible, top, bottom and sides. if the run is really large, then maybe just focus on the roost area and use electric fencing and something appropriate for the run.
The heavier wire in hardware cloth is more resistant to chewing and pulling. The only thing I can see for poultry net is as a cover over top for Hawks, etc. As suggested before, I would concentrate defense on roost area first, then expand from there. Tractor Supply usually has decent prices where I am.

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