For thoes who are currently feeling fearful....

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I happen to agree, adoptedbyachicken. Im a bit skeptical but I believe there will be a lot of pressure on him to do what is right and our checks and balances within our system were put in place for just this reason.

...and if things go too far to the left, the next four years will push a bit more toward the right. That's the pendulum promise
and it works every time.

It'll work itself out. and I, personally, will be supportive of whomever the president of our country is. He or she deserves respect!

and yes, Texasmama, I believe the vp does not live in the white house
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Most people that voted DIDN'T know what they were voting for. All they saw was his race which is white/black. And, I'm so happy that some drug addicts got to pick MY next president. I can sleep so much better tonight.

Cindy McCain voted for McCain, i bet. SHE's a drug addict. There's all kinds of drug addicts in the world that made very well informed votes. Tobacco and alcohol are drugs, too. I drank a beer and voted yesterday. As far as voting race-based, that took place on BOTH sides very heavily. Look at the states that voted for Bill and NOT Obama.
To fatguyaz,

Here is part of what he said "repeal income tax cuts for those making over $250,000" My moms b/fs boss's small business makes a little over $250,000 and that goes to christmas bonus's and rases. So thats a big good bye.

I have to find the second part of what I said.
Saying that most people didn't know what they were voting for is a pretty radical statement. Every person that I know studied the issues and the candidates and were informed voters. I certainly read everything that I had time to read and made an informed decision and, believe me, it was not based on race or religion.
He might be our President Elect, but I don't have to respect him. I would not respect anyone or anything that has affiliations like he does. His common answer, I didn't know. How many times have we heard this? My aunt is an illegal alien, I didn't know. My spiritual adviser is a racist and hates America, I didn't know. I started my political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist, I didn't know. SORRY, no respect here.
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That's such a strong statement. Most people didn't know what they were voting for? See, it's statements like that, that throw a blanket over a whole population of humans, that make me very uneasy and also a bit frustrated. How can you possibly know what I knew when I voted? How can you possibly know how much research I did, or what was behind my vote?

It's that kind of thinking that actually made me vote for Obama. I'm tired of that kind of thinking. It's divisive and I don't believe it's good for this country.
If Hilary had ran instead of Obama and McCain had someone OTHER than Palin.... I'd have had a hard time choosing how to vote.

But I have faith in Obama to not only be a great President, but more importantly to actually motivate the public to bring about some real positive change in ways other than just government. Palin I think might have been McCains undoing...... there's something about her that sits uneasy with me. I think she is scary also.
personal income, not business. If the business is making 250gs, the owner sure ain't makin that much. I ran a small business that did close to that and i was making 30gs a year.
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