For those of us out in the booneys......

We started last year cutting green wood....letting it season some, then split and cover. We will be getting ready to cut more green wood here in a few weeks...for NEXT year. Nothing like working up a sweat in the cooler days....splitting wood. Makes ya appreciate a good warm fire later in the year! do you measure a rick? chord? We just stack it......4 ft row deep, and about 10 to 12 feet long...Dont know how much that is...but we have 4 rows of it...and more waiting to be split. Hope is last us all winter.
bad snow?? no power??? jump on our snowmobiles and find the nearest bar with an "OPEN" sign!!!
Always plenty of food in the house even with my boys home but only because if it's not "prepared" they don't bother with it!! LOL...and we have gas stove, gas grill, small generator in worse case scenario and lots of wood cut up for fireplace....
Newchickenmom&kids :

I've really enjoyed reading this thread...I was wondering...for those of you that buy in bulk....what are some tips for storage and keeping things fresh/good until use?

Your wheat and oats will keep a long time, flour not nearly as long. The biggest potential problem is bugs. I put the grains in some nice plastic containers with tight lids. Then they go into my deep feeze for at least 3 days, usually a lot longer because I forget to take them out. Then into the shop shelves where it is cool like a cellar would be. Rice goes into a container and stays in the freezer. It goes stale faster than all the rest. Keep an eye on your pantry for flying bugs or weevils. I keep the "suspect" items in one gallon glass jars for easy daily use, they can't collect or pass on bug problems. BTW, I learned all this pantry hygiene over 20 years ago, and have not had an infestation in the house since. I have a weevil problem right now in the animal feed room, we brought in some BOSS that was badly infested and there is no way to feeze all the animal grain. I will use it all up then fumigate the room and start over.

My question is: How do you all store winter squash? I just love butternuts and they keep very well for months in my shop BUT - last year some mice got to them and then when I put them in a mice proof container the moisture built up and I got rot.

Suggestions on storage containers/systems?​
Ok so I think I-55 will get me close give me the directions from the state line "home canned peaches""fresh bread" "home made jellies and jam" I'll learn to walk in snow shoes and brave the cold for those things!
TxChiknRanchers wont have to worry about snow there will ya?? Anyways....Come on up! Bring the chickens....and we will ALL eat well...I guess you all could say...we are food hoarders...LOL Better to have, than not to have, in bad weather. Which reminds me...time to start loading in the feed for winter as well! Dont forget those babies!!
No, have not seen snow here in a while at least none that stuck ! But if you see a heavy set Cajun stumbling over the hill in snow shoes with a bunch of chikens and a red neck girl on his back this winter warm up the bread and get out the Peaches!
Cajun hu???Ohhh how I wish I had some REAL Gumbo. I had a friend many years ago.....from louisiana...she made the BEST DARNED GUMBO I have ever eaten!!! Darn, NOW my mouth is watering...I WANT GUMBO!
And a redneck woman!?? HAHA! SHe will fit RIGHT in here.!

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