For those of you out there that hate King snakes (black snakes)

I've considered that, I have a few friends localy that has some. But I decided to just stick with the culled chickens since she likes them so much. Its much simpler for me, makes me feel better about culling them. Atlease they arent going to waste.

I been feeding my frogs baby quails . . .

A bird is actually one of the best foods you can feed to any herp.

I totaly agree with you there. More meat on chicks (week or two old chicks), softer bones, less dangerous when fed alive. Ive always fed prekilled rodents to my snakes cause they are dangerous alive to a snake. But with chicks I dont have to worry.
I been feeding my frogs baby quails . . .

A bird is actually one of the best foods you can feed to any herp.

I totaly agree with you there. More meat on chicks (week or two old chicks), softer bones, less dangerous when fed alive. Ive always fed prekilled rodents to my snakes cause they are dangerous alive to a snake. But with chicks I dont have to worry.

The BEST thing about birds, other than the facts you stated, is that they come with their own fiber/roughage- feathers- which is very important for digestion.
I have lost snakes due to being impaction from all-rodent diet.

I used to live-feed when I was a kid, but once I started makin money from my herps, I stopped.
I have also lost animals from gnarly rodent bites. GNARLY. RODENT. BITES.
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Snakes are opportunists. They eat what they can usually. When your a snake you don't get to be picky most the time. Its eat what crosses in front of you or don't eat at all for lord knows how long. That's why snakes are able to go months with out food. If they had to eat as often as other animals, they wouldn't survive.
Snakes are opportunists. They eat what they can usually. When your a snake you don't get to be picky most the time. Its eat what crosses in front of you or don't eat at all for lord knows how long. That's why snakes are able to go months with out food. If they had to eat as often as other animals, they wouldn't survive.

Most species are actually active and specialized hunters, which is why snakes have been around so long.
Granted, individuals in a species can be opportunistic at times.
It is their pickiness that allows them to go months without food.

Find and watch a series called "Life in Cold Blood", with David Attenburough, watch episode 4 "Sophisticated Serpents", you can see how specialized some species are.

I dont want to have to start googling vids and articles, Im just gonna bow out.
Nobody is gonna change my mind, and I proboably wont change too many minds either, this aint a snake forum its a "love chickens, hate snakes" forum, and its hard to change so much misinformation.

You guys go at it!
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Many of these species have huge ranges, what may be a common food source for one may not be for another of the same species. In my experiance most kings will take whatever they come across, be ir rodent, lizard, or another snake. Its not so much a matter of what they prefer but whats available to them.

I have seen (to a degree) the difference between captive bred and wild caught animals that puts fairly strong evidence that some of these wild traits can be weakened a bit. Natural instincts play a huge role in their survival, and nature has ingrained what food is for a baby and that usually is whats most commonly available. I feel that its not a preferance at all, but they just dont see it as a food source. Then there are some (like many kings) who see everything as a food source. Of course there are always individuals who stray from the norm.

Actually I have no idea why we are arguing, we dont even have opposing points, sounds more like differant wordage to me.

I'm pretty tough with my snakes, they either take what I offer them or they get sold or culled in the case of babies. I used to work with a lot of very touchy rare Asian imported ratsnakes and colubrids, every single one of them ate thawed rodents, every single ball python ate thawed. In fact everything I keep and have kept ate thawed. Its all about being persuasive and showing them that rats are very good tasting. Usually all it takes is to not offer anything else, the snake will get hungry enough and will usually take it no problems after that. Just about all of my imports took thawed right away for me.

Anyways just look at how many pro snake people are here, remember we can help out more if we work together.
I wish I knew why snakes freak me out so much. I have never really had a bad experience and I leave them alone when I see them but they just sort of freak me out when I see them. We dont have very many venomous snakes in my immediate area but I know that just a few miles to the away folks have some serious issues. There are a fair number of rattlers in the foothills.

I would never pick one up that is for sure.
I do think that in a public forum its important to be as accurate as possible since others may be taking the information they read as fact.

If one makes a claim that is way out from the established literature than one really should provide evidence for that claim. If someone here said they are breeding 4 foot tall chickens then they should include a photo :)

Many colleges and universities have biology and herpetology departments that have sent students into the field every year for many decades. Scientists have been collecting specimens for 100 years. Hobbyists have been collecting, and many others have been observing wildlife. If none of them have EVER found a bull snake (for example) that is over 8 foot 2 inches, and someone comes along and claims they have seen many over 12 feet long, a rational person has little choice but to suspect there is a perception problem with the observer. :)

Likewise, if someone claims that desert king snakes are the real snake eaters and others really aren't, they need to provide evidence other than their assertion that they are the "expert" because they have spent a few years poking around the desert. Especially when their assertion runs counter to the established literature, and many other equally qualified people's experience.

So, I'm not trying to argue with anyone. But do ask that people support wild assertions with some evidence. As has often been noted in the literature, 10 foot snakes tend to become 6 foot snakes when the tape measure comes out :)

So just to sum up - there is absolutely no evidence of any native snake in the US more than a few inches over 8 feet. And no evidence that desert king snakes are more or less likely to eat other snakes than any other subspecies of king snake.

If anyone has any actual evidence that the above is wrong, please present it!
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