For those of you out there that hate King snakes (black snakes)

Sometimes I think kingsnakes prefer human over anything, after my time spend working with them...



But then again I've had corns attempt the same thing, so maybe I just personally taste better to a snake then most?




And from a different snake



(yes those are feeding bites, notice the repeating attempts, nose poking, and chewing)
Oops last two snakes are the same snake but seperate occurances (my photobucket is a mess). Here is the other cornsnake who decided to try to dine on me -





No I did not smell like any rodent or other food source. Yes my first reaction after the initial "I expected this from a king but why the heck is a corn snake trying to eat me?" is "I need to get pictures of this".
One thing I have noticed though is when one thread points out facts and is supported by those who dont kill snakes is active, there always seems to be another one started elsewhere as if to justify killing them. Why not make the arguements here?

Or could it be perhaps there is no arguement? Just the long breeding irrational mindset that killing them is the only answer despite the actual rather sucessful ways at keeping the birds safe?
Because the OP has stated she does not want an argument, of which an argument would surely ensue having two opposing sides.

Or could it be perhaps there is no arguement? Just the long breeding irrational mindset that killing them is the only answer despite the actual rather sucessful ways at keeping the birds safe?

There are other answers to it, but killing is the simplest way to rid yourself of the pest. If it eats MY food, it's dead. I don't care what animal it is.​
What kind of corn snake is that, if there are different types? It's beautiful!

Is there anything a person can do to discourage copperheads from patrolling the yard, other than making sure rodent populations are down near dwellings? A now ex of mine killed a large copperhead that was sunning itself on some wood, right beside my wolf hybrids' enclosure, years ago when I had them. I never thought a snake would get so close to something that could kill it like that. Good snakes need to be in my yard, not the poisonous ones, as I'm highly allergic to venoms.

Unfortunately, not terribly long ago I accidentally killed what looked like a black rat snake with my lawnmower. It just jumped out and went the wrong way before I could stop the blade. I had seen it before as it came out of my barn, so it must've been after rats at the time. After it died, the population of field rats exploded.
It took a while, but we got it under control.

How would I encourage the good snakes to move in, rather than the copperheads? There's a pond on the property, down a large hill, if that matters. Oh, if anyone in NC wants to relocate black snakes, let me know. Only if that's allowed, of course. lol
ok, here it is. I am afraid to death of fact about 4 years ago I went to a hypnotist to get over my worked...I was able to look at them and not freak out..she gave me a tape that she recorded while I was in the I can't find it and I am getting my phobia back real bad...tonight I went outside to put some trash in the recycle bin and turned to see a black snake on my back step...I freaked out, called the cat who looked at it and jumped out of it's way and ran to me (ughhh)..and the snake was obviously scared, he turned and slightered concern is supposed he comes into the house or goes into my hen house and eats my baby chicks...
Many different colors and patterns of cornsnakes out there, you can usually find one to match any room.

D'Angelo often the best way to overcome fear is to understand what you're afraid of, which is usually followed by the realization that there is no need to be that afraid. Some people overcome things better by totally immersing themselves, while others need to take little steps at a time. In most cases though there is something that even though they are petrified they are still drawn to them out of curiousity. What helps a lot of people to is looking at pictures of snakes in their favorite colors. My suggestion is to take a little bit of time to learn their habits, physiology, nature, and other things that make them what they are. Many people are bothered by how they move, but often getting into the science behind how they do it helps a lot. People are afraid to touch them, but by telling them their scales are made out of the same thing fingernails are you almost take away that reason to fear them.

Many people actually end up really liking them.
i use to be scared to but when u find out how wimpy they are u lose ur fear i mean they cant even hurt u if they wanted to a cat or a dog could do much more damage

MIND U I am talkuing about harmless north american snakes

giant pythons and snakes with potent venom SHOULD BE FEARED LOL as they have the ability to take u out if they wanted to but i also think big dogs should be feared as well same with cows and horses

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