For those of you waiting for your first eggs....


8 Years
Apr 1, 2011
Bixby, OK
I just want to share some quick and exciting facts and offer some encouragement pertaining to the long, tiresome, and frustrating wait for your first eggs from your young flocks.

I have 9 young hens consisting of Black Australorp, RIR, and one Buff O.

In the first 18 days since my first egg, I gathered 13 eggs total. (basically all from one hen)
Over the past 7 days now, I've gathered 18 eggs. (I've had 3 others begin laying, so 4 total that I know of) It's like a light bulb comes on in their tiny little brains!!!

Good luck to ya'll and your newly layed eggs.
Yeah, I'm waiting for my 3 hens to lay, good to know, they were feed store-bought and seem alittle 'slow' about things, but I have a 'feeling' that I may be getting some eggs soon. Been just seeing how it pans pun intended.
I have 14 hens and haven't seen a single egg.
I'm trying to not think about it, I'm trying to forget that I want them so that I stop obsessing and am just pleasant surprised by it if when it happens.
A funny thing is, I actually have compared myself waiting for my hens to lay with a woman knowing she's pregnant before medically verifying it.
What I mean is, I had a strange feeling this past week that "all heck" was gonna break loose in the nest boxes. I told my wife, "this is the week", and sure enough, they started laying everywhere!!
And after 31 eggs since the end of July, it's still exciting when I see one on a nest.
I have 9 light brahmas 10 bo, 22 weeks, 4 lav orps 24 weeks old still waiting on my 1st egg the nesting boxes have been lined got 2 golf balls each. Everybody combs & wattles bright red , faces red , I guess eventually they will get around to it . But I sure am getting tired of buying eggs.
I have 2 RSL's turning 4 months this week, and a BO mix turning 4 months this week also. We also have a GSL & BSL but they are only about 3 months old. Still waiting for our first egg, but I check a couple times a day. I noticed the "pregnant lady" analogy....I went thru that 2 weeks ago myself, and recently found out that I am pregnant. Hopeing this baby doesnt do what my first 3 did and not allow me to eat eggs, though that would be funny to think I bought chickens for eggs and just when they start laying I cant eat them
Congrats on the pregnancy!!!

My girls are only 17 weeks but I have convinced myself they will be laying any day now, 3 RIR's and 3 Ameracaunas. Hoping my positive egg thoughts encourage the ladies to start early!
Thanks so much for the post and comments.
I have 15 hens who are turning 6 months and I can't wait for the eggs to start appearing. I feel like a child with an empty, but nicely decorated Easter basket waiting for Easter to come so it can be filled, when it is only GroundHog Day. LOL! In the meantime, I have been having fun getting to know my girls (I have had them for 3 weeks now) and learning more about each of their personalities and characteristics.

I have a couple of questions for you all though,
Do you know which one of the hens lays the egg when no one is around when it happens? Is there a way to tell?

Also, do you give treats or rewards to hens who lay eggs? Does that type of incentive work for them? lol!

Thanks again for the great comments. It is great as a newbie to see some great experiences and advice given on this site.

I am the adopted dad to 2 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Barred Rock, 3 RIRs, 2 Americaunas, 2 Gold Stars and 3 Australorps

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