Okay, after following along with Helmstead's Scarlet who successfully kidded last night I'm sure there are some of you wondering where you're going to get your waiting-for-a-goat-to-kid fix. Well here you go:
Meet Promise. She's a four-year-old Boer and about 200 pounds right now. When this girl gets pregnant she gets huge. She had triplets last year and by the looks of it I would expect the same this year...I hate to speculate though because as we've all seen, goats have a way of leading us on!
Sorry, I can't seem to get pictures of the back end when they're NOT pooping.
Deep and wide?
Promise's due date is Friday, March 13 (nice, huh?). The temperature tonight (Wednesday) is supposed to be -15* with windchills in the 30 below range but we're expecting it to be up in the 20's (above) again tomorrow so I'm trying to convince her to keep the kids cookin' another day.
The poor girl is terribly uncomfortable though. I make her get up regularly to move around. She's had slimey, clear discharge for the last two days, however no streaming yet. Ligaments are gone and the tail head is squishy. No signs of labor yet...she tends to paw the ground a lot when she's ready to go.
Meet Promise. She's a four-year-old Boer and about 200 pounds right now. When this girl gets pregnant she gets huge. She had triplets last year and by the looks of it I would expect the same this year...I hate to speculate though because as we've all seen, goats have a way of leading us on!
Sorry, I can't seem to get pictures of the back end when they're NOT pooping.
Deep and wide?
Promise's due date is Friday, March 13 (nice, huh?). The temperature tonight (Wednesday) is supposed to be -15* with windchills in the 30 below range but we're expecting it to be up in the 20's (above) again tomorrow so I'm trying to convince her to keep the kids cookin' another day.
The poor girl is terribly uncomfortable though. I make her get up regularly to move around. She's had slimey, clear discharge for the last two days, however no streaming yet. Ligaments are gone and the tail head is squishy. No signs of labor yet...she tends to paw the ground a lot when she's ready to go.