Foul smelling loose droppings?


Jul 15, 2019
NW Ohio
I have a 9 month old buff orpington who didn't go in to the coop tonight. When I picked her up, I noticed that her bottom is covered in loose very smelly droppings. She is definitely acting off. Her eyes are clear and seems fine otherwise, but she is dipping her bottom as though she needs to poop but can' there's nothing left to go. Her crop is full and she is drinking. I have her quarantined. Everyone else seems fine.
I honestly don’t know. I suppose she could be egg bound. Are there other signs?
ETA, I looked up the symptoms. I don’t believe she’s been trying to go into the nest box often. They are free range and she was on our front porch when I found her. I don’t know if that means anything in regards to being egg bound.

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