Found a chicken - I think I want to keep it!

I think you're right. I checked out more info on Cornish X and the shoe fits. It explains everything. But, it also makes me sad. Now what am I going to do with her?? Would she get along with other chickens? I've heard that they should be kept seperate because other chickens will pick on the less healthy one.

I am 3 miles from the highway. I do have a busy road near my home but no commercial chicken houses out here.
I think you're right. Everything about a Cornish X fits with this chicken. I'm soooo bummed!

I don't know what I should do now. I have a friend whose neighbor has chickens, I may see if they want her.

BUT - after all the research I've done and looking at the pictures etc. etc. - I still want chickens
But I don't think I can put them together with Pecker.

Good idea about the hardware cloth. Right now I have one side blocked with the hard plastic tray that usually is at the bottom of the kennel. The rest I enclose with the cushions from my patio chairs. It works great because they have the velcro straps and I can attach it to the kennel. Then I have a thick bath mat over the top and down the side. I realize it's not coon proof but it will take the coon enought effort that I, and Lucy (Belgian shepherd) will hear the comotion.

I was going to see about getting a coop today but with this new information.... I'm going to wait.

Still bummed!!
I read a thread on here once of someone who ended up with a Cornish X accidentally. I believe she was able to keep it alive and healthy longer by not overfeeding and by free ranging as long as possible.
Just to toss in another possibility, she could be a White Rock, thin and needing to eat to catch up. I think it's worth a shot, because if it was a meatie, there would be better comb definition if it was a roo, and it's too old to have been an escapee if it's a pullet, as the comb seems to be reddening. 6-8 weeks is all most meaties get prior to processing, and this looks to be a 12-16 week pullet.

Could just be me, though. I have looked hard at my neighbor's meaties today and the legs are much shorter and like tree trunks in comparison.
Really good points! My pullets are about 12-13 weeks old and she looks to be bigger and older than they are...although they're not meaties...but still...
I thought Cornish x with the first picture, but the others make me not so sure. Maybe she is a white rock like above person said.. She looks very young though, and could possibly be a he..

Do her legs seemed bowed to you? Is there any abnormality with her toes? Maybe there is something wrong with her legs...

She seems really thin either way. Look at those legs! Wow. She's one tall girl!
Yes it does seem to be addictive. I just have the one and not sure about it. BUT definately want more now!

I lived in the Palm Springs area for 19 years. I know where you're at
All the signs point to Cornish X. I'd like to think it's not but it just fits too well.

No abnormality with the toes. She's put on weight since I got her. I guess only time will tell.

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