Found a chicken - I think I want to keep it!

Just a thought here but have you checked the bottom of the feet? S/he may not be walking a lot because s/he has injuries there. Everyone keeps asking about the legs but I never saw anyone mention the bottom of the feet. If they are dirty, wipe them off with a damp rag. If you see anything, snap a pic and post it. After running around on city streets, s/he may have some injuries down there that just plum hurt to walk on.
I saw my first CornishX at a 4-H show and was surprised by the size of their feet, and the bare spots & bum.
Sorry to say, she looks like them.
Thank you for "stepping up to the plate" and doing something to help this poor bird. You are to be commended for your kindness.
Thanks everyone for all of your input. I appreciate it. It's pretty clear from all the information I have received that this is a meat bird. I don't have the heart to feed her and then process her. I also don't want to try to keep her as a pet if it's only going to prolong her agony (and it would).

On the upside, this experience has caused me to learn a lot about chickens. This is a world I never knew existed. I do want to get a coop and I do want to get some chickens. So, I will be back when I get chickens and this time I will do it right and have a safe coop for them

Thanks again for all your information. This is a great forum!
You've done such a great job caring for her. She looks like a different bird from the first photos to the most recent ones. She looks calm and content in the recent photos, and that's all because of you, your care and your concern. I don't see agony in those pix - understanding that she wasn't moving a lot and having a hard time on her feet, but it didn't come across that way. Just wanted to commend you on your efforts to do right by a wayward chicken that just happened to fall into your lap - and of course wondering where she'll end up ...

I ended up keeping Pecker for a couple more weeks. She is much healthier and her legs are stronger. She is getting around pretty good now. She still has a tremendous appetite.

Yesterday she went to her new home. One of the local feed stores said I could bring her in. When I got there, they called one of the workers to go to my car and get her. He was a young kid, early 20's. The first thing he said when he saw her was that she was a meat bird. He stuck his finger in the kennel and scratched her under the chin and said "aww she's cute." I told her she was very gentle. He took her out of the kennel and held her close and pet her. She was very content. He decided that he was going to keep her. He said he has a coop but no chickens yet so Pecker will be his first chicken.

So, I think she will have a good home for however much time she has left.

I kinda miss her

This was the last picture I took of her yesterday before she went to her new home.

J's Orpingtons :


Are you going to get Chickens now? I think you should.

YES! But first a coop. I already know where I want it. I just need to clean the area up a bit, fence it off, build a coop and then I will get some chickens.​
He told me he was going to keep her as a pet. He was very loving towards her. He held her close to his body and was petting her. I think he liked her because she was so gentle.

I am choosing to believe him when he says he'll keep her as a pet.

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