Found a chicken - I think I want to keep it!

Hi everyone! Remember me?

I got a coop!
I'm very excited. I figured I would post here because only people with chickens will understand why I'm so excited.

I got a smokin' deal on it! As you can see from this picture, the person I got this from is a "collecter". I bought this from him for $60!!! It's in good shape. It will need a few modifications but for the most part it's ready to go.

Next step is fencing the area where the coop will be.

Hey, Murs - that's great news!!! I can't wait to see what kinds of chickens you decide on. You did such a great job with Pecker - I know you'll have an amazing flock!
That's a great deal! How many chickens are you planning on getting? Make sure you get as many different breeds as possible, it's more fun that way
It's taken a while but I'm almost there. My fencing has been installed. I made the necessary modifications to the coop I bought. I went to the recycling yard and was able to purchase all the fence posts I needed. I paid $50 for about 25 posts! Not bad at all. My boyfriends friend is a fence contractor and he had some left over chain link that I bought off him and he did the job at the "friends" rate. That is one of the reasons it took so long. He had to fit me in in between his other jobs. Since he was giving me a good price I decided to be patient.

All that's left to do is fencing across the top of the run, I will cover that with some palm fronds (cut from my own palm tree) for extra shade. When it's finished I will post pics.

I plan to get 4 chickens. I like the Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock and Orpingtons and I found someone locally that is selling some of her flock.
Guess where I found her??? Right here on! Have I mentioned that I really love this site!

I'm excited
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

I miss my Belgian Sheepdog Jack, he was the best dog I have every had.
My Lucy is 8 years old. Sweetest dog ever. And too smart for her own good. Belgians are great dogs but I wouldn't recommend them for an inexperienced dog owner.

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