Found abandoned baby duck, DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!


Jun 28, 2022
Hi guys,

My mom found an abandoned baby duck by her job site and asked me to go pick it up. The duck is wobbly and unstable and its eyes are closed. I tried gently wiping them but they are still closed. Is there anything I can do?
Make sure it is warm. Give it Nutri Drench or sugar water and offer it mash and water with Hydro Hen or Save a Chick.
Hello thank you for answering!!! I am trying to get it to eat but it will not open its beak, I have never raised ducks so I do not have the necessary supplies, I placed a water heating pad with it. I am concerned because I read ducks are born with their eyes open. Is there anything else I can do?
Hello thank you for answering!!! I am trying to get it to eat but it will not open its beak, I have never raised ducks so I do not have the necessary supplies, I placed a water heating pad with it. I am concerned because I read ducks are born with their eyes open. Is there anything else I can do?
what are you trying to feed it? Can you get a photo of the duckling?
Is there a wildlife rehabber nearby? Follow nuthatched's advice- sugar water and egg yolk, dip the very tip of the duckling's bill into the liquid (obviously not past the nostrils) to encourage them to drink it. Keep it warm.

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