found an egg (how do i know if its alive??)

hi trey - i went onto ebay and bought for £1.99 ($???) instructions to make my own bater, seems to be working so far with humidity (bought a cheap one of ebay) and a nursery themometer that i "borrowed" out my daughters room (she has another one!) dont have a sponge in there but will do for the last week when i need humidity at 70-80%, hopefully at least one will hatch!!

Good luck

H x
there are little drops of water or something comming from the wide part of the egg what does that mean i candled it and it is an air pocket (which is normal right??)

is it comming out!!???
Oh darn, I am sorry, I was really rootin for the lil booger.

Yea, I got like 22 eggs and was able to hatch two, they are so cute, but they dont get along much, one is a silkie crossed with a turken, so its like a naked neck bantam silkie. lol The other is a barred rock, full size, and the barred rock thinks the silkie is an alien or somethin.
I'm sorry. If you found the egg it may have been possible that the momma duck knew something was wrong and moved it away from her nest before it blew up or something. Never hurts to try though!
I found a duck egg at a local park today and brought it home and made a homemade incubator for it. I don't know how long it's been laying there or if it is alive or not. I guess I will give it a few days and candle it and see what I see. This is my first attempt at this, I will try to post the findings as they come.

Jayare's Chicks :

I found a duck egg at a local park today and brought it home and made a homemade incubator for it. I don't know how long it's been laying there or if it is alive or not. I guess I will give it a few days and candle it and see what I see. This is my first attempt at this, I will try to post the findings as they come.


Taking a wild mallard or any game birds eggs is not only illegal it's cruel. By your post you have made it clear your inexperienced with hatching. You should be ashamed of yourself! If you wanna try hatching that's fine but don't subject any wildlife to be your guinea pigs! I do not live in Alabama but i have researched and it is indeed illegal, here is the proof

Except as authorized by permit issued by the Department prior to the date of this amendment, it shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession any live, protected wild bird or wild animal or live embryo, (((eggs))), or sperm of these protected wild birds or animals. "Possession" in this section does not include deer restricted bynatural or man made barriers as long as the deer remain wild and are not subject to management practices of domesticated animals.

I think i've said enough
~ Amber​

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