"Found Baby Bird With Bone Sticking Out Of Wing"

Please do no post so many messages in a row. It's spamming. Sorry about your emergency, but there are guidelines on this website. You need to be patient in waiting for an answer and posting so much will only make people assume there is a discussion already helping you out in this thread.
Sorry, i went to sleep last night! Don't put the iodine solution in the water to drink, the betadine is just to disinfect the skin.

You should pick up some chick starter too, to feed it. did you clean it up and put neosporing on it last night? And gave it water/gatorade?

Give it more water and some yogurt or wet cat food this morning if you have nothing else to feed it. it needs to eat and drink.
Please don't overdo the treatment on this poor thing. And be SURE that the neosporin you have does not have any pain killer in it. That kind is deadly to chickens. Only use the kind with no pain killer. Wash the wound with the betadine and if you dont' have gatorade then just give it water with a bit of sugar in it. As stated, keep it warm and give it some chick starter food. If you dont' yet have that, then some corn meal will work till you do.
That wound will not heal with a bone sticking out of it. I can't tell from the pic, but if it is a long piece of bone, it needs surgical attention, perhaps to repair the wound, perhaps to remove the portion of bone that is sticking through the skin.

If the bone is not sticking though the wound, and there is just an ordinary wound left, simple first aid should be sufficient. Chickens usually heal well. Just don't use anything with a "caine" drug in it such as benzocaine or cetacaine as they can kill a chicken.

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