Found dead hen in coop


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2017

I had 5 hens 2 years an maybe 3 months old. They were free ranging all the time until about 3 or 4 weeks ago we had an attack by a redox that took out a mama and 5 of her chicks (I posted about that at that time). So now we have the 5 remaining hens and 2 chicks that are 2 months old. Since then they have been in a smaller run during the day (still "enough" space per guidelines) with a slightly larger run if I was going to be within earshot or have a window open. Then about a week ago started letting them free range again when I'm home in the afternoons and evenings.

This was a Rhode Island red. 2 weeks ago today my husband found a lash egg in the coop and so I tried watching to see if I could figure out who it came from. I was suspicious of one hen who I thought was walking a bit weird a few times over the last month or so, but her feet looked fine overtime I inspected them and she seemed okay otherwise and still came out to play etc. This afternoon I went to let them out to free range and found her laying in the bedding of the coop near the door. She was stiff and I didn't see any outright injuries on her.

I called my vet and they told me where the necropsies are done for my area which is about 30 minutes away from me. I called them and they said it's free to do the test, but would cost $25 to dispose of her.

My question is, if we found a lash egg, is it safe to assume it must have come from her and the others are probably fine? Or is a necropsy still warranted? I don't want to be stupid and not get one if thats needed, but I also don't want to spend money on a dead chicken either. Could I request to pick the chicken back up when they are done to not have to spend the $25 on disposal?

I would do the test as it is of no expense to you and then take the bird and dispose of it yourself. Rather be safe than sorry when dealing with animals. Sorry for you loss.
I would do the test as it is of no expense to you and then take the bird and dispose of it yourself. Rather be safe than sorry when dealing with animals. Sorry for you loss.

I called this morning and they will not let you dispose of the bird yourself, you must pay the disposal fee. My husband doesn't want to pay for it and says if we have another hen die like that then we would get it done. Is this reasonable or should I just cough up the $25 and have it done?
It really depends on what you and your family decides. Chances are the egg was from this hen and that your other hens are healthy. I do think your husband has a good plan. Best of luck!

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