Found One Of Leghorns Dead In Am...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Wow, what a shocker that was... our ladies are a little over a year old.. 4 leg horns (white), 3 RR, 3 NH reds...All our leghorns look great, a couple of the others look a little ratty...
But when I went out this morning one of the leghorns was on the ground, no apparent physical trauma, red comb looked pale.. but other than that.. Nothing. all looked well in the coop..

Does this kind of thing happen on occasion?
I did see some poop dark green and a little runny.. Not sure if that was part of her or not...
Stupid question, but what does normal chicken poop look like?
Green Poo is a sign of malnutrition. What ever is wrong with her is causing her to loose her appetite or she has an absorption problem and not getting the nutrients she is eating. That can be caused by a lot of things. What are the symptoms of the other hens that looked ratty???
Well out of now 9 hens, one looks ratty,, lots of missing feathers,It looks like some has grown back but not much, no blood or scabs, and about another 2 or 3 have minor areas of missing feathers, and again, no scabs or bleeding.. But about 4 or 5 of them all have a bare spot at the junc. of the tail... I have 3 white leghorns left, and just like the other one was,, they look just perfect.. very odd.. It is just the RR and NH reds,, and one I think Rock..
Now after we lost my leghorn I have checked the poop.. its still dark but not runny..!! !
After looking at the link from above,, I guess its okay... And we buy the regular layer pellets at our local feed co. and they free range daily.. with an occ. handful of seeds for them to pick at...

Appreciate any and all advice
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I recommend that you pick up your chickens and visually inspect them for lice/mites, especially around the vent area. There also could be a molt going on, but molt doesnt cause death.

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