Found : Petrified duck nest w/ ducklings **PICS POST ONE***

Mummified ducklings, and decapitated mice. sound like the making of a video game or a really bad horror movie. "Things are not looking so good down on the farm"
We found a mummified rat in the barn. Me being myself and the teenage son. So we stuck it up on the shelf and then sent the little sister to the barn to get something off the shelf.
. Sorry, no pictures, one of the science teachers took it for her classroom. eeeewwwww. (My husband swears our kids would be so much better behaved if I didn't have so much fun.)

And yea, I WANT PICTURES of the duck nest too!

Wow! So sorry for the wait you guys! WHen I checked BYC yesterday I only had two replies. I found the camera cord! My sister had it hidden with the crickets fro her beardie. Im uploading the pictures onto my comp as I type.

And Joe, Im not that bad.... Ok, so maybe I am, lol, but its that stupid cord! We only have one that goes to both cameras so it is a constant tug of war between my sister and I .

Pictures will be up in the next half hour folks! PROMISE!!!

Well I mean I havent had my cord in a while so my comp is downloading all 700+ pictures. But hey! It says only 13 minutes left

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