Found Robin Eggs! What Can I Do?? UPDATE false alarm!!


14 Years
Mar 24, 2010
New Hampshire, U.S.A
i was at my friends house about an hour ago. we were wandering around the yard when we came across a nest, 2 eggs, and a third smashed egg. the eggs were teal and the nest was made of mud and grass, so i dubbed it a robin's nest and eggs. the tree it was below was smooth-trunked- unclimbable while holding onto a nest of eggs. we figure the nest must have blown out of the tree last night during all the wind and rain. the smashed egg had been eaten out by ants, so there was no way to tell if it had once contained an embryo. the fact that there were three-as opposed to the usual four-eggs (unless something carried the other one off) lead me to believe that they may be in suspended animation and still hatchable. i took the intact eggs home with me and my mom agreed to let me try to hatch them, so i have a few questions. how can i incubate them? all my hens, even the bantams, would be too heavy. i can aquire an incubator if need be, but would it be too hot? i'm not sure what temp the eggs should be heated at. second, what can i feed the babies if they do hatch? third, my mom thinks wildlife rehabilitators wouldn't take the eggs. could she be wrong? if anyone has any experience, please let me know. i know there is only a very small chance they will survive, and i know how big the commitment would be if they did. does anyone have any advice for me?
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haven't a clue about hatching them but if they do hatch, have on hand some baby food (some sort of meat/protein and dry rice baby food to mix with water) and an eye dropper. this is what you will start with. Thanks for your compassionate heart.
oops! haha never mind i should have candled first. they were all ready incubated before-hand and now they're cold. they both have splotches of bacteria, and the embroyos have died. never mind. oh great, now i feel like an idiot

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