Found this in her Poo today does anyone know what it is??


Sep 7, 2021
Hi everyone,

I have a 3 yr old hybreed who has been great in laying all her life. This winter she moulted but still has not recovered from it. I have given her extra protein in her meals and have checked for mites lice etc. Done a top to bottom spray and spring clean of her coop as I did find some red mites in there but non on her. The rest of the flock have all grown their feathers back lovely. Although she did start he moult later than them. A few weeks ago she laid 2 soft shelled eggs and for 1 day was a bit lethargic but the next day perked up and back to normal self. But has not laid again since. I have been putting extra oyster shells in the food as well as the large pot which is left out. She is eating normally and running up to me. They have all just had a wormer treatment as well about 3 weeks ago. Then today I found this is a poo, which I am presuming was her, and it is like and I know it can't be but a organ so squishy, but definitely came out of her body. Not a worm???
So now I really am unsure what to do, help help would be great.


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How big is it? Are you able to cut it open? Perhaps some lash material?
Hi ya, it is about 2 cm long and I have cut it open and it is like pearl in colour squishy.


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