Found turtle in winter!



Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
I was out getting ready to ride my sisters horse and I was walking to a mounting block, when I found a turtle. I did not know if he was alive or not but brought him inside, put him in a box, under a heat lamp. He is alive but I think he is blind and has a crack from the middle of his shell to one end. Any advice is very much appreciated :)
I was out getting ready to ride my sisters horse and I was walking to a mounting block, when I found a turtle. I did not know if he was alive or not but brought him inside, put him in a box, under a heat lamp. He is alive but I think he is blind and has a crack from the middle of his shell to one end. Any advice is very much appreciated :)
Hello I kind of know alot about turtles so can you please post a picture and then maybe I could help
Hello I kind of know alot about turtles so can you please post a picture and then maybe I could help
Thank you for the pictures. That crack looks really deep. Is there a way you can bring him/her to a vet if you have one near you. also That is a gopher tortoise so they burrow. Is he/she moving? If he/she is then make a little burrow with a blanket in case it wants to go in there. Put gauze on the cracked part of the shell tape it on as well as you can until you can bring it to the vet if you can.if you have any blueberries/blackberries try and see if the tortoise wants to eat. Can you try and take a photo of its tail if you can, if you can't then don't.Put some water for it too. Good luck.
You can ask me more things if you want
Thank you for the pictures. That crack looks really deep. Is there a way you can bring him/her to a vet if you have one near you. also That is a gopher tortoise so they burrow. Is he/she moving? If he/she is then make a little burrow with a blanket in case it wants to go in there. Put gauze on the cracked part of the shell tape it on as well as you can until you can bring it to the vet if you can.if you have any blueberries/blackberries try and see if the tortoise wants to eat. Can you try and take a photo of its tail if you can, if you can't then don't.Put some water for it too. Good luck.
You can ask me more things if you want
Wow! A vet is not a option sorry. I'll try to see if I can get a pic of his tail.
Wow! A vet is not a option sorry. I'll try to see if I can get a pic of his tail.
No vet got it im not a vet personally so I don't know how to fix broken shell but I can send you some links to people who fixed the shell.(if you are ok with blood maybe) If you try to fix the shell and it does not work then the best option is to put him/her down.If you fix the shell just remember that you will have to care for it for at least 5-6 months maybe more maybe less.Also let me remind you that the shell of the turtle/tortoise is also their spine and the entire back so it might hurt the turtle/tortoise, so you might have to put it under anesthesia.
Link:, your,then heal under these patches.

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