Four weeks old too early to transition to coop? [pic heavy]


9 Years
Aug 4, 2010
South GA Swamp
Our babies turned four weeks old this past Monday. They are very active, and take every opportunity to jump out of the brooder to explore our little sun-room. Being in South GA, the temperatures are going to be warm usually through late September. The girls are starting to feather out nicely but a couple of them still have fuzzy butts. Thermal regulation is my real concern here since they arent completely feathered out. How would you guys suggest transitioning them to their "big girl" coop? I've considered letting them play for a couple hours in the evening, but bringing them back in once it gets dark [for the first week], then between 5 & 6 weeks, start letting them stay out all night. Thoughts, comments, criticisms?

Pics taken Monday 8/30/2010

Black Polish White Crested

Black Silkie

Dominique 01

Dominique 02

Dominique 03

Dominique 04

Light Brahma

Silver Sebright

Spangled Hamburg

White Silkie

White Sultan

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if they are the only chickens in the coop then it might be fine. if there are older ones there already they might get picked on.
Are these your first chicks, so the coop will be theirs only, with no older chickens? If that is the case, with this warm weather, I would put them out in their coop/run during the day, and if it's warm enough, they will probably be fine to sleep out in the coop too.

I would just watch the forecast, so you're sure it won't get too cold. They look like they're feathered pretty well....maybe not fully feathered though....alot of people wait until their chicks are fully feathered.

All your ideas were just fine. Do what you feel comfortable with......
I think they'll be fine. Last winter, I put 5 week olds in a coop with a heat lamp. The next night it snowed and they were all fine. They are tougher than you think. There is enough of them that they will huddle for warmth. Just make sure the next few nights aren't too cold, to ease them into the temperature difference slowly.
I'm new to chickens also but this is what I've done so far and it's seemed to work out just fine. At about four weeks I'd let my babies out to the run during the evenings after work and also most of the days on the weekends. At night I'd bring them in. When they were right at five weeks I let them in the coop overnight (not open to the run)... they did great. After a couple nights of sleeping in a huddle on the wood shaving floor they began using the roost at night. Yesterday (they are now 6 weeks old) we cut the opening of the coop to the run so they can go in and out during the day and then at night we'll close them up into the coop. They were about as feathered as yours we I began letting them have access to the run. I'm in Ohio so I'm sure my temps are cooler then yours; therefore I'd personally think they'll be just fine to go on out.
I wouldn't worry too much about transitioning. Maybe keep a heat lamp in the coop just in case you have a cool evening. I put mine outside pretty quickly, usually removing the lamp completely by week three (when it's summer time).

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