Fowl Pox How To Treat?

Did you mean fowl pox? There is a dry one that affects the combs and waddles. There is nothing that can be done. They will continue to dry and go away. There might be some scarring to tissue. The wet pox form is a little more aggressive and invades the eyes an oral mucousa. It can kill the bird, or leave it blinded, and most likely disfigured.
Both Poxes are highly contagious and spread quickly through out the flock. If you are able to seperate the affected ones it is best to try.
Perhaps some one else has more info. Isolation is the bst preventative.
It would be the dry version so far as i can tell. Will they eventually go away and stay away?
Pox is spread by encounters with infected birds and especially mosquitoes, but the mosquitoes must draw blood from infected fowl. Are you sure you have pox? Been kinda cool for pox this early in the year. Post some pix if you can or google fowl pox and check out the pics. There is a vaccine available at most feed stores. It`s easy to apply, but if you do, be sure to vaccinate all of them.......Pop

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