FOX ATTACK -- Duck Neck Issue?

I will!! We only have one more female left and she is staying with her in our bathtub in a dog kennel. She is a runner! We have been helping her drink and eat and she will do both with some support under her neck, which is good. She has no issues moving her upper neck when her chest is supported.
She is still kickin! She will now eat pellets on her own, we no longer have to syringe feed her. Still having trouble holding up her head, but we are waiting out the 3 weeks to see if she will fully improve. She definitely needs our help to eat and drink still.

At what point would you all put them back outside? We don't want her to go downhill, but her blue runner friend is very tired of being indoors, but doesn't want to be alone outside.
We have progress! She is able to hold her head up!! Still working on eating and drinking on her own, but I'm so happy it's looking like she will make a full recovery.

We also ordered 12 more friends for our two runners and they will arrive in June!
This past Sunday night we had a fox attack our ducks, we lost one, one was unharmed, and this one, Bertha, was injured. She has four wounds (two on her chest, two on her back) that seem to be healing really well. We have been cleaning them up twice a day (saline, iodine, and antibiotic ointment). She is currently in our bathroom with the other surviving duck. We take her out multiple times a day and when we hold her and support her chest/head she is able to eat and drink. She appears to be okay except for this issue she has with her neck -- photo below. She is SUPER unstable when she tries to walk and has trouble lifting her head up. We think she might be in shock still? Has anyone seen their duck do this with their neck? She doesn't have any visible trauma to her neck -- just the bite wounds. We are hoping she just pulled some neck muscles and will recover with time or is in shock still.

Poor baby. I wonder if you made her some type of neck support to help her hold her head up. Just feel she may start to feel better but if her neck stays this way it may never straighten back up.
Thanks for your replies! No bite wounds on her neck at all!

We haven't tried the vet yet because she seems to be getting slightly better every day -- holding her head up a little bit higher. Her wounds seem to be scabbed over and healing well. She does have quite a bit of swelling on her back, so that may be painful and keeping her from lifting her head.

We read about using children's ibuprofen on this forum, but we are hesitant. We could only find berry flavored, anyone know if that is okay to use?
I was told to give my duck baby Asprin only.

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