Fox attack


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2020
Hello all,
Our flock was attacked by a fox on Wednesday. We lost 4 ducks total. As we looked for the remaining one (rouen drake) he walked out of our woods towards us. He looks like he was attacked and there is a place on the side of his breast where hes missing feathers. It looks deep but I don't see any organs. He is walking slowly but still manages to get around. We've given him a warm bath and he's not bleeding. He's drinking but not eating much.
We've tried looking for vets where we live an no one will look at a duck. Any ideas on how to make sure he'll be alright? We have a rouen female left that needs him to live! Anything would be helpful! Thanks!
I'm sorry to hear about your Duck.

Can you post some photos of his wounds?
I'd clean the wounds with Chlorhexidine, then apply a little triple antibiotic ointment. Keep him on clean dry bedding.
I'll tag in @Miss Lydia and @Quatie to see if they can offer further suggestions for his care since I don't much about ducks.
I am sorry to hear about your drake. Like @Wyorp Rock said, you want to clean out the wound. I would recommend keeping him in a warm quiet spot and keep an eye on him.

The only other thing is you may need to treat him with an antibiotic. If you are able to take him to vet, they should be able to give you an antibiotic. Otherwise, you can it enrofloxacin (generic form of baytril) at .

You may want to weigh him and monitor his weight if he doesn't really start eating tomorrow. A lot of ducks often survive the wound, but instead die from the shock. When they are in shock, they will stop eating and drinking. So it is a good idea to monitor this. If he stops eating you may need to tube feed. Hopefully he will keep eating, but something to watch for.
And be sure to address how this happened. Once predators have made easy kills they will be back for the ones that survived. Keep your remaining ducks up safe.

Another thing is with wounds this time of year flies are bad and they will lay eggs on open wounds and that will cause maggots. Not something you want to happen so clip the feathers away from the wound clean it really good and keep him where flies can't get to him. Also clipping the feathers back will keep the feathers out of the wound while it's healing. If you can get some pictures that would help us help you better.

Very sorry for your losses.
These are the best pictures we can get. It's located on his breast area where his wing tucks in. He did start to eat a little today. Thanks for all your help, we will definitely be getting some antibiotic. Definitely making sure this doesn't happen again.


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He has a very good chance of recovery they really are amazing. So keep it clean and keep him away from flies and he should do fine. Getting him on an antibiotic will be a good idea too. Def clip the feathers away from the wound.
Is he over the shock?
He has a very good chance of recovery they really are amazing. So keep it clean and keep him away from flies and he should do fine. Getting him on an antibiotic will be a good idea too. Def clip the feathers away from the wound.
Is he over the shock?
Thank you so much! He's doing better everyday. To look at him, you wouldn't think anything is wrong with him except that he holds his neck close to his body. Is that normal?

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