Fox breed RP II (Arctic foxes, American red foxes, fennec foxes, gray foxes, corsac foxes, and more!

"But Hans, how can you love me? You don't really know me and the small amount of time that we have been together, I've either been unconscious or unable to talk to you. That doesn't make sense to me. Castiel has at least known me all my life." She looked off into the woods. When she looked back she had tears in her eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt. You must not provoke Castiel. Please promise me. You don't know how lethal he is, how he had to be, to keep me safe. I thought if I ran, he would forget about me." She said absently.
"Well, so far you've been polite, funny, nice, or, well, that's it. I have never seen a fox like you before." Hans said and smiled.

"I am bigger, and I was raised in the strongest family. They all could take out multiple foxes, but never had to. I left young because I was ready, and so I think if he tried to kill me I'd be covered, but I usually just kinda scare them until they're all like 'kay sorry gosh I'm leaving!' and just go away. I never want to injure anyone, they deserve to live a peaceful life. I am basically a hippie, keep calm, carry on, and never fight." He told her. "But if I HAVE to I will, but not try to injure unless THEN they keep on going, then it's serious. And really, if he wants to kill over a mate that doesn't even want him and he knows it he is not worthy of life. If everyone did that I promise everyone would be dead by now." He said and laughed.
Rieve was very quiet for a long while. When she spoke she was very deep in her memory," Castiel isn't as bad as you think he is. He has a good heart, it just a little miss guided at times. But it was around my first season, I was walking to the stream to get a drink. When this strange fox jumps me, but before anything could happen. There was Castiel. He grabbed that fox and " She swallowed hard and closed her eyes then looked at Hans with horror in her eye." For all his threats to me, he has never hurt me. But your right, my love for him is not passionate love, but more like a brotherly love. I have never seen him interact with anyone like I did last night, with Astral." Rieve shared a secret smile. "I made him think I was jealous, just to get him to spend more time with her. That's my only way out Hans. If he finds love elsewhere. Then I'm free!"
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Rieve was very quiet for a long while. When she spoke she was very deep in her memory," Castiel isn't as bad as you think he is. He has a good heart, it just a little miss guided at times. But it was around my first season, I was walking to the stream to get a drink. When this strange fox jumps me, but before anything could happen. There was Castiel. He grabbed that fox and " She swallowed hard and closed her eyes then looked at Hans with horror in her eye." For all his threats to me, he has never hurt me. But your right, my love for him is not passionate love, but more like a brotherly love. I have never seen him interact with anyone like I did last night, with Astral." Rieve shared a secret smile. "I made him think I was jealous, just to get him to spend more time with her. That's my only way out Hans. If he finds love elsewhere. Then I'm free!"

"I just...Would never do that. I'm sorry, but I don't like to do that. I actually ask the animal for forgiveness every time I hunt, it's just my nature. They gave their life for me, so I will ask them to forgive me once they're gone. I could never think of ever killing someone for one mistake. I would want to kill myself." Hans said, he could never imagine how evil someone must be deep inside to kill someone for one strike.

"Wow! You are complex and clever!" Hans said, "You naughty fox!" He joked. "Well, I'm glad you are doing what you want, and making your own choices. This is just my opinion, but Castiel seems a little racist." He said and chuckled.
"I just...Would never do that. I'm sorry, but I don't like to do that. I actually ask the animal for forgiveness every time I hunt, it's just my nature. They gave their life for me, so I will ask them to forgive me once they're gone. I could never think of ever killing someone for one mistake. I would want to kill myself." Hans said, he could never imagine how evil someone must be deep inside to kill someone for one strike.

"Wow! You are complex and clever!" Hans said, "You naughty fox!" He joked. "Well, I'm glad you are doing what you want, and making your own choices. This is just my opinion, but Castiel seems a  little racist." He said and chuckled.

Rieve blushed at his compliments. "I've never really been naughty before. Is that a bad thing? But then something Hans said sunk in, " Why do you say Castiel is racist? Astral is a different colored fox then Cass and he seem interested in her."
Rieve blushed at his compliments. "I've never really been naughty before. Is that a bad thing? But then something Hans said sunk in, " Why do you say Castiel is racist? Astral is a different colored fox then Cass and he seem interested in her."

"He said since he's a red fox and I'm a silver fox, even thought right now we'll all basically silver I guess to him only a red fox, no matter what it looks like, would be worthy of having you, and then he said, only HE himself was worthy. But I didn't believe that because I was a silver fox meant that I wouldn't be good enough for you. I mean, I might not be but anyone who forces you to be with them isn't either." Hans said, "But when he knew I liked you he seemed to be talking a lot about how I'm black and he's red and you're red so I can't like you and other stuff. But you probably know about him more than I do." Hans told her.
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(The red fox he saw was, Eliza the mute female fox. But a silver fox is a dark fazed red fox remember my research. So he was being insulting not racist. Gray and sliver is similar in color.)

(Oh, okay. Got confused for a moment there;) Buuut it still seems racist XD)

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