Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning


Would rather be gardening
Aug 28, 2021
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hello all,

We have a fox problem! Our coop is pretty secure and so this fox can’t figure out how to get in. It comes after the sun has risen (about 6:30am), so the chickens are out in the run, but the chickens are too stupid to go back into the roost. Instead they run around and freak out, while the fox paces around the outside of the coop. It doesn’t seem to be digging any holes, and I can’t find signs of it tampering with the coop trying to get in. I’m not opposed to shooting it, but it runs away at the first sign of human activity.

Will this fox keep coming back until it breaks into the coop? I assumed it would give up, but this is the second day now that this has happened. It’s annoying because it wakes the whole house up at 6:30am, and I’m worried that it will eventually find a way into the coop.
Hello all,

We have a fox problem! Our coop is pretty secure and so this fox can’t figure out how to get in. It comes after the sun has risen (about 6:30am), so the chickens are out in the run, but the chickens are too stupid to go back into the roost. Instead they run around and freak out, while the fox paces around the outside of the coop. It doesn’t seem to be digging any holes, and I can’t find signs of it tampering with the coop trying to get in. I’m not opposed to shooting it, but it runs away at the first sign of human activity.

Will this fox keep coming back until it breaks into the coop? I assumed it would give up, but this is the second day now that this has happened. It’s annoying because it wakes the whole house up at 6:30am, and I’m worried that it will eventually find a way into the coop.
It sounds like the fox is persistently trying to find a way to access your chickens. While it's possible that it may eventually give up, it's also possible that it will continue trying. Have you considered reinforcing the coop further to make it even more secure? Additionally, you could try setting up motion-activated lights or alarms to deter the fox when it approaches.
Can you maybe get a live trap and set it next to the coop? If the fox is pacing around the coop and goes into the live trap to investigate it, it could get caught, and dispatching a fox in a live trap would be much easier than trying to get one that is free to run away.

If the fox doesn't get into the run, I would expect it to keep coming back, but less often over time (the fox doesn't want to waste its own time on a hopeless cause, but keeps checking in case there is a change that will let it get the chickens.)
Fox are clever. If it’s returning every morning you likely have a den nearby. Get up earlier, dress warm and camouflaged, and take her out. She will eventually stress the flock to ill health or death.
Yes, that seems possible. This is a huge fox, and they’re probably feeding babies this time a year. We can’t use guns in our neighborhood, is it possible to shoot a fox with a bow and arrow? I have a cousin who is an archer.

Edit: I’m willing to break the gun rule this once if I can kill the fox, but I feel like a fox would figure out that I was there and not show up (they’re not as stupid as deer, right?)
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Can you maybe get a live trap and set it next to the coop? If the fox is pacing around the coop and goes into the live trap to investigate it, it could get caught, and dispatching a fox in a live trap would be much easier than trying to get one that is free to run away.

If the fox doesn't get into the run, I would expect it to keep coming back, but less often over time (the fox doesn't want to waste its own time on a hopeless cause, but keeps checking in case there is a change that will let it get the chickens.)
I’ve heard that foxes are nearly impossible to trap and won’t go into a regular live trap, but I can try.
It sounds like the fox is persistently trying to find a way to access your chickens. While it's possible that it may eventually give up, it's also possible that it will continue trying. Have you considered reinforcing the coop further to make it even more secure? Additionally, you could try setting up motion-activated lights or alarms to deter the fox when it approaches.
I don’t think motion activated lights would help, since this is during the day (dawn, at least), but an alarm might. I feel like the fox would get used to the alarm after a couple of times.
It’s annoying because it wakes the whole house up at 6:30am
So are you using an automatic coop door, is that why the birds are out before you are up?
I'd disable it for a few days.
Might hasten the fox's attention.

If your run is secure, I'd just let it go, eventually it will realize it can't get in.
I've heard that too, and I don't know if it will work.

But if it's easy to set out a live trap, it's probably worth trying.
If it would be an expensive nuisance to get a live trap, probably not worth it.
Yes, it would be easy for us to put out a live trap. I think that’s what I’m going to try first.

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