Fox eating my hens

Red Banks

8 Years
Sep 18, 2015
A fox eats lunch here every day. He likes Ameraucana and Cream Legbar hens. He doesn't like the big hens. How can I get rid of him? I have been told a box trap won't work. Someone told me leg traps but they are just based on luck if he happens to walk where we have a trap. Please any suggestions..... this guy is eating some expensive chickens.
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First off, get your chickens to safety so he CAN'T eat anymore of them!
Your coop and run should be built like Fort Knox.
After that's good, wait for the little buggar and shoot it dead. You know it will be back as he's been taking a chicken daily.
It will just keep coming back-- It's your job to outsmart him.
Sorry for your losses and good luck.
First off, get your chickens to safety so he CAN'T eat anymore of them!
Your coop and run should be built like Fort Knox.
After that's good, wait for the little buggar and shoot it dead. You know it will be back as he's been taking a chicken daily.
It will just keep coming back-- It's your job to outsmart him.
Sorry for your losses and good luck.
This is good advice but it is difficult to sit all day waiting for him to appear. My coops are very strong. He is taking them while they free range. How do I get rid of him besides shooting him? I don't have the time that requires.
Some of the old timers say that foxes will not come around if they smell human urine.
I know that may sound odd to some folks, sorry.
They say to just place urine around the perimeter of the place you don't want them to be.
Some of the old timers say that foxes will not come around if they smell human urine.
I know that may sound odd to some folks, sorry.
They say to just place urine around the perimeter of the place you don't want them to be.
I would have to drink an awful lot of beer to accomplish that on 20 acres.
Foothold traps do not catch "by luck". It has to be properly set and baited to catch a fox.
If you dont how to property use them, hire a critter control company or get in touch with a local trapper via your local fish and wildlife agency office. Ask about a predation permit.

If the fox has not been educated, a LARGE box trap will work.

But yeah, first step should have been to secure your birds. Like after the first one or two were eaten.
Sitting back and asking questions while a fox picks off your birds every day is downright irresponsible.
If the fox is getting your chickens while they free range, quit free ranging, for Pete's sake!
Build your chickens a run attached to their coop. Common sense. You must have seen the thing if you know it's a fox. If you have a gun and know how to use it, keep it handy so the next time you see the fox you can eliminate it. If not, maybe there is a trapper in your area who can help you out.
First off, get your chickens to safety so he CAN'T eat anymore of them!
Your coop and run should be built like Fort Knox.
After that's good, wait for the little buggar and shoot it dead. You know it will be back as he's been taking a chicken daily.
It will just keep coming back-- It's your job to outsmart him.
Sorry for your losses and good luck.

I could not agree more strongly with this. You already have all the bait you need. That being your chickens. Them fox is going to come for them again. When it does shoot it. Solution is easy, cost effective and works against any predator.

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