fox got a chicken


6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
Mills river, nc
A very ballsy fox came into my yard today and took a hen.
I was outside with them! I put all the chickens back into their lot so I could "deal" with the issues at hand. Unfortunately the hen didn't survive.
The other chickens have been uncharacteristically clucking and carrying on all afternoon. Do they realize something has happened? Can chickens mourn the loss of a flock mate?
Also what can be done to deter other predators from coming into the yard? Should i commission my husband to just start "marking his territory" all over our property?
Yes. Chickens have emotions quite like humans. Make sure to clean up any blood. Also, set out some traps.
Naaahhhh, humans are humans and animals are animals.

Chickens are prey animals, so of course will react strongly to predators invading their territory and killing one of their flock.

Human urine is not going to deter predators from coming into your yard and looking for dinner.
Fox are very difficult to trap, they are wily. Do some reading on it....advanced search>titles only> fox trapping
Might be able to call it in and shoot it...but chances are there are more than one around, could even be a momma fox with kits nearby, they are very bold when they have young to feed.

The best way to protect your chickens is to have a predator proof coop and run.
Free ranging is risky, some feel it is worth the risk and accept the occasional loss.
I kill a fox every spring. Just one. Never had more then one a year. After 4 years of having chickens, I have learned, foxes go by schedules for the most part. If you sit where the fox cannot see you, it WILL be back. It has found its food source.
Foxes are pretty "ballsy" I had a chicken taken 10 feet from my front door and 5 foot from my car. Middle of the day. I made a makeshift pen last year to keep my birds in, since its hard to know where the fox will strike if they are free ranging.
Last year I had it pin pointed the fox came in between 3-6. Right around 330 it came into the yard, 15 feet from my deck, and about 5 feet from my chicken pen. I have a balcony, so I sat right inside the door and shot it.

You will not trap a fox. They are too clever. Your best chance is call it in at night with a predator call, or keep your eyes peeled during the day.
Would you explain the right tool? I have never in my life heard a fox called stupid. In my experience and what I've been told by many, they are very sly, smart, quick, sneaky etc.
The only way I've been able to catch them, is with a .17 or .22 mag.

So I'm curious as to what your tool is?
weve already shot the fox. :/ sad to have to take the life of an animal who is just doing what it was created to do, but weve got to protect our girls.

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