Fox got my hen


5 Years
Jun 16, 2015
Pretty sure a fox took one of my hens. Saw a bunch of feathers on the ground and then also under a pine tree and broken pieces of the pine tree. No blood or chicken anywhere. Happen sometime between 3:45-6:45 while we were home. Scared now about having my other hens free range but I know this can happen. Other than a fox what else might it be? Only one other neighbor close by and they don't have dogs or cats.
Hawk possibly. I have seen them nail a prairie dog and take it to a tree to eat it.

If you don't have a lid on that run you may want to at least put bird netting up.
Sorry for your loss. :hugs I lost a fabulous hen to a fox while I was right in the yard with the flock! Very brazen. I would keep your flock locked up for at least a few days, because they will be back for more.
:oops:are foxes rife in US?
we have quite alot in UK they seem to be getting out of control but we have stupid laws about hunting them
I don't think they are quite as brazen as coming in garden while we are out there yet!
Yes they are, at least in the northeast. They are so adaptable to rural or suburban settings. I see one in my yard nearly daily. I will say it has been cute watching the kits grow up this spring. Too bad they'll grow up to try and eat my girls!
The unfortunate matter I have is some splendid neighbors think its good to feed them encourage them in gardens giving them tip bits not thinking that's just starter they smell chicken and ducks and come running licking their lips :he:he
I have a neighbor who does that with chipmunks and squirrels. (Not threats to my chickens, but they wreak havoc on my stonewalls and plants!) I don't know what people are thinking sometimes!

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