fox in the city? He ate my ducks, rabbit and chickens!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 3, 2013
Los Angeles Ca.
I live in Los Angeles CA. To be exact Compton/LA border. We have chickens, a couple Roo's, rabbits and we had 2 baby ducks. Last night at about 4:00 am our pet chihuahua was barking uncontrollably. After a couple minutes, I got up to see what was going on. I opened the back door and found our dog trembling in fear hiding behind a piece of plywood barking and crying. I looked over to what he was barking at. I realized there was a dog like creature on my 5 ft brick wall. It had pointy ears, long black legs, a furry tail, it was light brown with lighter brown areas and it was pretty big. Way bigger than a cat but not as big as a pitbul. He was staring right into my chicken coop. I usually let my chickens free in their fenced enclosure. So they have room to run around. The coop is inside the fenced area. Some of the females will go in to roost at night but some stay out. I live in a residential area with no Mountains or hills nearby. We have a few vacant lots around and a few rail roads. Its mostly an industrial area around with a stretch of houses. Ive never had a problem with predators, cats will wander into my yard from time to time but they've never taken any of my animals. When I saw the fox, we locked eyes for about 10 seconds, me trying to figure out what it was and he looked like he was trying to make a choice to stay or go. He then ran off into the neighboors yard. I ran onto my house to tell my husband. He didn't believe me. A fox in the city seems a little far fetched. He tried to convince me id seen a possum or raccoon. I know what I saw. Next morning, we noticed feathers in the neighbors yard. Lots of them, after doing a head count we realized we were missing 2 teen chickens, 2 baby ducks, and a small rabbit. There were paw prints inside the chicken coop. Which means he went in the coop somehow to get my ducks. I'm so afraid of it coming back and taking more of my animals. I locked them all up in cages and in the coop all but one Lion rabbit I couldn't catch. I tried calling animal control but they said they don't handle that and gave me the number to wild life preservation who doesn't really operate in my city. Because they aren't suppose to really be here. How did it get here? And how do I keep it away from my animals? I hate the idea of keeping them in cages all the time now. How can I protect them? Who can I call? Help?
They are all hungry.... drought kills off their natural prey. They come into towns and cities looking for food.

we find mountain lion tracks as far as the ocean here... Best you can do is lock them up at night. And only free range during the day when you are physically there.

Hardware cloth is important to use in any case where wild live will contact your chickens or rabbits.

deb "who lost 30 chickens 10 Guineas and 3 goats to mountain lions over the past year"
SO sorry for your losses...sounds like you need to reinforce both your coop and run area like Fort Knox...I had to. We have the whole gambit of predators here and I won't take any chances...a bit 'spendy' but well worth it. Such a sorry!
Lol, I will be reinforcing my coop. I don't want anymore tragedies. I guess it's just the cycle of life. I'll have to protect my chickens. A fox tail keychain might be nice. Lol thank you guys for your information!

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