Fox took 3 of our chickens, 1 of the survivors acting odd, weird poop


Mar 1, 2018
New York
We lost 3 chickens to a fox Friday night. It broke into our enclosure. We have 3 chickens left. One chicken seems to be completely fine. 1 chicken lost a lot of tail feathers and had minor scratches on the legs. I have cleaned her wounds and she seems to be doing fine.

The third chicken does not have any visible wounds, but is just sitting around, listlessly. Her poop is weird, too. Liquid-ish. Earlier today.... a pool of white and yelllow stringy/streaky. More recently it was a pool of clear and white. It looks similar to photos of chicken poop from hens suffering egg yolk peritonitis? The feather around her vent are clumpy as well.

I read sometimes they can get weird poop from stress.

Has anyone else had a chicken act this way after a predator attack?

I had a lynx get into mine and got 5 and 3 survived, 2 had no injuries and the other one had lost feathers on the neck but it didn't scratch the neck :) although she has been pooping weird stuff like yours so i would like to hear too.
The third chicken does not have any visible wounds, but is just sitting around, listlessly. Her poop is weird, too. Liquid-ish. Earlier today.... a pool of white and yelllow stringy/streaky. More recently it was a pool of clear and white. It looks similar to photos of chicken poop from hens suffering egg yolk peritonitis? The feather around her vent are clumpy as well.
I'm sorry to hear about your losses :hugs

Do you know when she last laid an egg?
I would feel inside the vent for an egg, feel the abdomen for any bloat/swelling.
Try to get her hydrated and let us know how she's doing.

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