Fox =\


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 2, 2012
I just watched one of my girls get mauled by a fox. The hens have been hanging out right on our front porch - this fox is not afraid of coming that close. I've seen it hanging out around the coop after I lock them up. I'm sure this won't be the last time he comes back.

So besides never letting them roam free ever again, is there anything I can do to deter foxes? We live in a pretty heavily wooded area, but will be clearing most of the woods over the next few weeks. Are they less likely to come out in the open?

Hate losing chickens :(
I lost 16 chickens, in two separate daytime attacks. If you can, shoot that fox, but there are probably others that will take his place. The answer for me was electrified poultry net, from Premier. I started with 300', and liked it so much, I have added another 350' in the last couple of years. This fence just simply works. No ground pred, not even a snake, can get past it. It's very easy to install, you just step it in. You can power it up with either house current, or solar. Buying this fence was probably one of the best things I have done for my birds.

traps, lost of them..... and a shot gun. other option is baiting them with poisioned meat..... that should help to clear them. sorry about your loss :(
unless you build a huge run that is safe so they can get out, and only free range them when you are right there beside them will they be safe. as you said this fox isn't afraid of humans, and if there is one there will be more, they will all be coming for a free meal
Thanks! I will see about fencing and traps. What so you do with then once they're trapped?

If they're not afraid of humans, should I be worried about my kids playing outside alone? They're 5 and 3.5, and play outside by themselves a lot. But I've seen this fox around a lot lately. Usually while they're at school or inside, though.
um possibly though it would be more likely to take young, your kids should be fine. well getting them traped is problem number one. the next step is disposing of them, a gun would be best then you don't have to risk getting bitten
Small foot traps will work...they also sell things that scare away insects and foxes by making really high pitched noises that we can't hear although they might frighten the chickens.. Point them away from the chickens hope it helps


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