Foxes ಠ_ಠ


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2015
Lately, a new fox has moved into the area and it has decided to come to my farm. Every.Single.Night.

This year I have lost nothing to foxes, unlike last year. Everything is pretty dam'n safe. The only thing is, I have two younger lambs who have just come off the bottle and now sleep outside. I find this bloody fox in their paddock nearly every night making awful sounds. I really don't want it around for their safety, my chicken's safety and I can't sleep at night with it crying out! And to top it off I have a ewe due to lamb in a couple of weeks.

Of course, my neighbor has offered to shoot the fox, the only problem is...


Nor would i get someone to do the deed for me, I'm too peaceful!

I'm going to try a number of methods to "scare away" the fox and see what works best, for science and my fellow peaceful warriors.

If you have found anything that has successfully gotten rid of your fox problem without the use of re-location or killing, please tell me in this thread!

~ Pugg
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I didn't know Aussies had foxes? I learned something today.

I agree with the above poster, it's just a matter of time before the fox will start eating your livestock.

my only concern in trying to scare the fox away, is that any tactic you use to scare the fox will probably have the same affect on your livestock.
I learned first hand about the damage a fox can do. I lost three hens ( two of which were my favorites) and I had to nurse one back to health. The fox tore her side open just under the wing. Fortunately she's a tough bird and made it through.
You could shoot it ... With a full power fire hose!

Know any firemen who would come out to practice their skill?

A fox rolled along for a few hundred feet by a blast of water, will probably not come back for a second dose! ;)

Works on humans ... Should roll a fox along like a soccer ball! ;)

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