Foxes take away my joy of keeping chickens.

And on the electric fence, although it almost seems unethical, you can hasten the varmint's journey to discovery by baiting the fence with a strip of bacon or raw chicken skin to the fence.
I see nothing unethical about that at all. They will discover it on their own eventually and while painful (yeah I DO know) it isn't going to cause them long term damage. Unlike, say, a bullet.

But keep in mind a dog is going to be more work then all your chickens combined!
Also keep in mind that for some people their own dog is their worst predator. You need to train the dog that chickens aren't toys or food but something to be protected if not outright then because they are on the property the dog protects. Be aware that you might lose some chickens in the process.
chicken update. she went outside in a pen for the first time today. she clearly does not have a broken leg which i feared because she just sat for several days. she has injuries under as well as on her back but they are healing. she might be ok. she is eating but only more tempting stuff like mealworms and egg. probably spoilt.
I don't know what your living situation is or your backyard but a dog is a great deterrent.

You don't need a huge dog. Big enough to scare a fox. Border Collies are the smartest breed and they can identify up to 300 individual objects by name.

I have a border collie and one of my chickens is missing tonight. Need to upgrade to a LGD!
I have 2 dogs, they chase the fox if they are in the garden but do not make any noise to alert me to the fox being on a killing spree even when they are in the conservatory next to the garden. used to have 3 dogs and it was just the same...
on a positive note, my girl returned to the flock yesterday evening. She is looking good all be it a bit bald in places...

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