Freak Egg (PIC)


8 Years
Apr 21, 2011
Today like everyday I went to collect my Hens egg. She lays one everyday at 7am. Today she had a freak egg. It was enormous. The biggest egg I have ever seen from a chicken. Does this happen often? Is it dangerous for her to have such a large egg? The egg is bigger than a duck egg. I've attached a picture. In the pic the smaller egg is her usual size and the large egg is her freak egg. I wonder if it's a double yolker. I haven't cracked it open yet because I may put it in the incubator with my next batch.


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can you put a strong flashlight under it and see if there are two yolks?
There is a tread and video of someone who hatched a double yolk.
I think it is a sticky on the index.

for your poor hen!
I have a hen that always lays a huge egg, she is perfectly fine! It doesn't bother her at all so yours should do just fine.
One thing to remember though, make sure you give her plenty of gravel if she is a cooped hen!
One of my Barreds laid one almost as big,2 3/4". That it was going to be a double maybe even a rare triple yolk,but alas it was just a extremely big single yolker. Coupled with a regular sized egg made one huge omelette. UMMMM!
I've never had a triple yolked egg, but would like to see one some day. With 9 hens, I get a double yolked egg probably on average once a week.
would a yolk so big hatch out a super chick? does it work that way?
would the hen (if it is) lay really big eggs?
why don't you try it and let us know.

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