Freaking out over chicken noise - Help!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 5, 2007
Berkeley, CA
Hi guys, I am so anxious and upset at the moment, I really need a bit of advice.

I have only two hens, but I live in a fairly dense residential area. Ever since my Ameraucana started laying about 3 months ago, she has been ba-KAWing every fourth day or so at about 6AM. she only goes off for about 20 seconds or so, but I think she is waking up many of my neighbors. I was hoping that she would quiet down as she got used to laying, but she is still keeping up this same pattern.

I think I just overheard two neighbors discussing how the chicken was waking them up and they were going to talk to me (I heard them from over the fence).

I really didn't think it was that bothersome (20 seconds every 4 days isn't really that much in my mind) but I think some neighbors are being disturbed.

I love my chickens so much that I am just totally distraught. I would like to not have to give them away.

My chickens currently live in a tractor with an enclosed run - do you think if I bought a solid wooden coop that blocked the morning light a bit better, that this would help? Or maybe at least contain the noise a bit better?

Ugh, I just want to cry.

Thank you so much for responding.
At least your neighbours are discussing talking to you, not just going straight to the town...

An enclosed coop would help some.

If you could bring her inside someplace safe until after she's laid her egg, that would help too.
good luck.
I think it is a good idea to block of more light.
My girls started making more noise when we introduced more chickens.
I would go out there and tell them to be quiet, literally. It worked. (don't ask me why, I can only guess that it was a dominance thing) If you pick them up, it will stop them mid-bwack also.
I can sympathize with your situation though, I am in a dense area also, and I don't like even talking about chickens outdoors, even though they are legal.
Yes, I find that even going back there shuts her up very quickly.. I've literally been sprinting out of my back door in my underwear with a handful of tortilla chips. But I can't even get out there fast enough, because it's over so fast. It's such a brief occurance, but it's just SO LOUD. SO SO LOUD.

Does anyone live near Berkeley who wants two beautiful wonderful friendly hens?
Keep it up. If you keep catching them, they may eventually stop, mine did.

If you do have to get rid of these hens, you might consider trying again with a quieter breed (even though those tend not to lay as much).

Please keep us posted on whats happening.
I'm looking at getting a shed for my girls for the same reason.
My closest neighbor is GREAT with my chickens, their young boys are amazed by the chickens and they like the eggs.
But I'm looking at getting a shed and not letting them out until I go to work in the morning (about 7:10am)
I'm hoping that if they announce eariler that it will be somewhat muffled.
I'm also looking at plantings and the design of my fence to help reduce any noise.
my chickens are no where NEAR as loud as the neighbor dog!
That's what I keep thinking, that they are not as loud as a dog! BUT, no one in my neighborhood even has a dog. My neighborhood is pretty much silent except for squirrels. It's weird because it is fairly urban.

I have a garage with a back door. Maybe I can think about building out the back area as the new chicken coop. I am not particularly experienced with construction, though, so this would take a bit of thinking and some bootleg work.

I am looking at these very nice chicken coops but they are like $500. I just feel insane for considering that, but I seriously love these chickens.

I would curse right now, but I think that's not allowed here.
I am so sensitive to this. Whenever one of my hens goes off, I run out there and try to coax her into being quiet with snacks of some sort. I realize that this is not a very feasible option for most lol
That is exactly what I am doing, running out there with snacks, but it takes me a few seconds to jump out of bed and apparently this is not fast enough to save my neighbors from being awakened. sigh

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